25/11 - Bday atufah cilaka.Had to buy something for him.This jack ass tgh exam STPM.Best buddy for life.Ade lagi 8 org including me and make it total of 9 people.Da mcm akatsuki la pulak.Hahah.Best wishes for u jack ass.Hope kau dapat amek medic kau ingin sangat2 tu sampai sanggup melepaskan segala2nya.Aku respect kau kerana usaha kau yg tak penah jemu tu.
Attufah Cilaka
3/12 - Bday afiqahelmiza.Si gadis yg bole di katekan agak creative (tapi malangnye di bahagian texting je) apekan daye.Seorang master menggunakan PAINT.net.Mau belajar darinye.

4/12 - Bday helwa.My other half.MUST buy something for her.Dunno what izzit.Promise her a handbeg -_- tapi aku tak geti beli.Last year bagi dia MS 151-R GUNDAM WING 1:44 scale.Kopak dwet aku T_T.This year handbag.Maybe with a book and gonna have dinner at exclusive restaurant.Maybe candlelight dinner and a bday cake with it =) afta that gonna watch late nite movie and send her back home.P/S : hope i'll get a kiss on my cheek hahah XD
5/12 - MY own bday.Oh im getting old -_-.Dunno what to expect on this day.Last year gets 3 cards.From helwa,fiza and eliza.And surely a box full of choc and present from lalink =D.Makasih
Pls god stop my age from growing XD haha.
hye hye.aku mmg respek atufah pon.semua exam die ulang 2x. haha
tu lah.dapat masscomm dgn aku dulu tolak tepi.bukan skali.2 kali masscomm dia tolak ketepi.kalau ikut aku dulu dah senang idup dia.tapi dia determind gak nak amek medic.so be it.im always there for him
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