Ehem.Happy.Kerana.Melihat.Kebodohan.Orang2.Yang.Untung di siang hari.Tetapi rugi ketika bulan mengambang.Ehe.Pahamkan ayat ini.Terkial2 mereka mencari arah di malam hari.Mengapai ape sahaja untuk terus bertahan menjalani kehidupan di dalam kepekatan malam.
~seronok tgk kau terkeja2 sane terkeja2 sini bwat bende simple mcm tu~
hihihi :P
War which i didnt win at all.But i laugh =D
Thursday, January 31, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Sedikit sesi meluahkan perasaan.
Holla amigos.Como estas? Si ami no supera condito.
Tak paham? G mampus.
Ehem.Malam tadi aku cube kembali ke arena dota di puncak perdana.
Malangnye.Kedengaran daripada juniors dari course LG dan ACC mereka sudah ade maharaja baru.
Fuwahh aku agak terkejut dan tertanye2.Barang siapakah yg mengelar dan memanggil dirinye maharaja baru dota puncak perdana ini.
Rupe2nye si ()Q#)*&!@(^#%&!%@&%!# LOLOLO (name dia dah jadi mcm tu sbb er ...)
Ehe juara baru ye (@#()^@$%^*!#.Power2.Tu takpe.Lu amek je title.Gua tadahal beb.
Ehem nampaknye bisa tendou itu sangat menyengat di dalam dirinya.Sangat berbisa.Fuwah
Menuduh org menggunakan maphack bukan main.Tetapi bile di tuduh.Aku yekan saje.
Tetapi sebaliknye.Kite ade bukti.Pihak polis dan allah tau mereka bermain maphack itu.Tetapi mereka tidak pandai menggunakan peluang yg ada.Walaupun menggunakan maphack,dan juga mempunyai ahli tambahan di dalam kumpulan 5 vs 4,mereka tetap di bedal kow kow.Keke sape yg legend ni woi.
And off the record.They didnt even in the capability of killing,defeating,harrasing,competing,going head-to-head,battling and supporting their mates in the pursuit to bring me down.I got evidence.In the end.)(@#*()^@#)_$% did beg me for his life
"Ok ok kau hensem,please jgn bunuh aku.Tolonglah aku nak duit"
ayat ini agak dramatik,gambarnye akan saye sertakan sekali di bahagian sisipan.
Ini semua tidak penting.Tetapi dia sudah cross the line.Dia memberikan statement yg saye ini ****,*********,*******,***** (kene rahsiakan gak sbb nnt menyinggung mane2 pihak) ahaha.
Kamon man.Puncak perdane je kot.U didnt even can win me eventho u got the upperhand.Import org lua pon kene titik.Ahahaha.Ok ok teruskan mengutuk.Idc idk idgad.
The most imporatant part is.
Hehe jawabla sendiri.Btw i am arrogant.I am full of confidence.Because.I am really good at what im doing.Believe me.Cuz im living the name of Revoirs.I am Revoirs.
(walking to the path of heaven,ruler of all"
Ha.Ni dia sisipan gambaran yg aku mau letak.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:00 AM 0 comments
Hectic days.
Dont have time alot
Dont have time to look at myself
Dont have time to think about others
Dont have time to talk with other
Dont have time to eat
Dont have time to rest
Finally realized that.
I had sometime to kick the shit out of u bitches.
Bring it on.
Imma not gonna lose this time.Try me.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 7:25 AM 0 comments
A tribute to chadachada
Cis.Yg lepas tu lepas le.Cek mail rejab dan juge cek khairule naizam(nigger name tuk cek nizam).dulu mmg le malas tulis.tapi skarang pas maal hijrah aku telah berazam baru (wakaka cover siot)
tade ah shada aku da lame sebenarnye teringin nak start blogging ni.aku fedap dgn myspace.ramai benar aku lari skit le.ape2 pun tq sbb support aku wahai chadachada.abe roe pon same.akak chadachada sebagai veteran dunia blogging ni bagila tunjuk ajar ye(cis veteran betol kau)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:20 AM 0 comments
Pictures @ Genting Theme Park

p/s : ade banyak lagi gamba sebenarnye.tapi quality agak buruk.thats y tak ku upload dlm ni.sorry.kalau nak tgk u know where to find me.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:39 AM 1 comments
From S.A - U.K (ROTFLOLMAO) Part 2
Hoho today hari yg agak mengujakan.Kerane hari ni kite mau
Malas nak cite banyak.Tengok je la gambar ye? Kalau rajin nnt aku tulis la sikit2.
Btw aku naik semua THRILL RIDE.Amacam? Ade bran ke kau sume?
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Fragments Of Solitude
The clock's hands points to two
Tonight's another sleepless night
I didn't stagger even when I lost one of my hearts
Till now, I'd let out a sigh
And it'll carry me to the past
5 ayat ni.Expressi diri ku for the moment.
Somebody yg merasai mende ni will understand.
Sangat lah deep into ur hearts.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 1:57 AM 0 comments
Pictures @ Genting

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:12 AM 0 comments
From S.A - U.K (ROTFLOLMAO) Part 1
Artikel ini akan di tulis di dalam 3 part.Semuanya akan di tulis mengikut chronology dan synconization yg sesuai dan juga tidak mengikut fakta yg sebenar.
Group members :
Azwan(Mas) - Pilot
Saniy - JB Pilot
Hafiz - Co-Pilot
Qayyum - 2nd Co-Pilot
Attufah - Raja Judi
Okie.This goes the summary of the day.
11.1.2008 :-
The clique pick me up at puncak at 3 pm sharp.Tapi semua memekak sbb aku tak turun induk(amek apis tros skali jalan) jahaha.Semua da merungut lambat,takut tak sampai hotel and so on.Told them to pick me on Thursday tapi konon2 bizi.Padan muke.Then we pegi makan before continue to genting.And afta 1 hour drive sampai le ke kaki bukit genting.Agak mencabar utk memandu sampai ke puncak sane.Tapi ape ade hal.Naik HONDA VIOSSS kot.Jahaha.Semua da memekak sbb jalan nak naik ke genting ni mcm Bukit Akina dlm Initial D LOOL.Yep the journey to the upper part of genting is tough tho.Tekan minyak abes pon still susah.Tambahan pule the view there sangatlah cool.
Wan asek khayal saje melihat the view.Cilaka he almost made us killed -_-.Sambil2 memanjat ke atas kite org pon karoke lagu.Fuh nor nilam sari beb.Pedih tekak.Jihaha.Sesal rasenye tak membawe PANSSSY skali.My Olyimpus cam pon lupe.Mmg totally messed up.We arrive in the theme park hotel at about 5.40.Then check in,tendang pintu bilik and then boom land on the bed.Its was a deluxe room.Best lol.
Pastu melobang skit,panaskan ati Falah skit,lobang2 lagi.Kasi berselerak bilik skit.Jahaha.Tanpe berlengah lagi aku tros membuka baju dan mencheck-in kan diri dlm toilet kerane BATH TUB telah menanti di situ.Jahaha.Pas setting air dan tanpe berlengah lagi aku teros meloncat masok dlm bath tub itu bersame2 buih2 sabun mcm dlm bubble party kat RUUMS LOL xD.
Pas mandi2 smayang sume senang cite pas magrib le kite org pegi jalan2 around.That time it wasnt freakin cold yet.We all masuk plaza nearby and then sight seing around.For the 1st time.I sawwwwwgod damn hot pool table girl.Tetibe semangat nak main pool despite hargenye telah di doublekan.Lol tapi baru je nak masok da kene stop dgn guard kat situ.Muslim are not allowed.
LOL rupe2nye tempat judi jilaka sungguh.Morte Carlo.Montel Carlito? zzzzz
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:08 AM 0 comments
New Year.
Malam new year 2008 :-
-dinner with anuar,sopia and kartini
-balik rumah awal kol 10.
-layan dota 3-4 frame dgn anep,anuar,daud dan azroy membuli ai plus without NE mode
-kol 12 membaling merecun di hadapan apartment dan menjerit bagaikan org hilang akal "selamat taun baru,pak baim bile nak mampus? tombol pintu baru pls"
-layan movie pocong dan pocong 2
1.1.2008 :-
-bangun kol 10.
-pegi klsentral for nth.
-ade kete tapi naik monorel ke timessquare (zzzz)[padahal banyak parking new year kot]
-pegi times usha psp
-jalan kaki ke lowyat usha broadband.
-layan movie "national treasure 2 tapi aku tdo"
-bedal cine kat times (arcade) boring zzzz sbb ayam sume.
-malam balik tdo awal =_=
penyudahnye :
ponteng class tuk 2 hari + sbb tade lecturer.
aaaaaaaa bosan -_-
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:06 AM 0 comments
I'll kill
For the 1st time in my life.I would rather kill to get something that i really wanted in my life.Its a better option for those who had tired choosing other options such as : WAIT,PATIENTS and CHILL.In this new era world,these 3 options cant be considered as options.Because nothing good will come out from it,EXCEPT if ur damn holyshit,damn pious, u could have these 3 words living with u to the heaven.I admit.Im not a pious,holyshit religious at all times.But im still living in with the rules and regulation and sometimes broke,not sometime but most of the time.Ahhh but tho the question is : ur grave or my grave rite?
Ahhh pemende sial aku merepek ni.Warrgh im dying here for internet connection.The bore killssss me slowly.I need to get away from this fun-fuck-tastic life out here in Shah Alam.I need a gateaway to distract my mind away.I hate this campus life.I hate my last year here.I hate living alone.I hate to have my meals alone.I hate being alone at times.I hate it all.Panssy cant be listen to every-single-fucking-word from me.Im thinking bout something while and before writing this.
I can imagine i stab them all so many fakin times.Rip off their tummy.Crushing their everysingle organs.Feeds on their blood and cut-thu all their veins and skinned them alive.Ya.Aku sudah GILA.AKU GILA.
Maaf kerane menjadi terlalu obses.Tensi tension tekanan blah3.I need a gateaway.Anybody who read this.Please.I need ur help.I might end up hurting myself in the end.Please anybody? Dont let this happen to me.Im beggging u.
Thursday, January 10, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Sayangku.I love u baby >_<
Thursday, January 3, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 9:24 PM 0 comments