aku benci jantan bajet skema,alim.Bodoh.Noob.Geek.Weido.Jackass.Asshole.Noobshit.Buttface.Mofucka.Rase mcm nak tendang muka kau,lahanat,anak haram,binatang,woargh benci sungguh aku jantan skema mcm ni.Bajet skema dgn alim bole ngorat awek? Wehhhh butoh la nah kau _|_
Sebenarnye kau la org paling hipokrit dalam dunia.Fuck face mother fucker.Apak kow la.
Hari ini hari mencarut
Saturday, May 31, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Goodbye editing.
Officially aku lost interest dgn semua editing jobs,designing hape lanciao semua.Takde minat dah.
Goodbye Photoshop,illustrator,indesign, blaah semua software editing g mampus same macromedia flash,director,dreamweaver g mampus.Brambus dari pc aku.Font pon same.Blaaaaaaahhh kau.Bosan.I dont have any interest anymore in u.Go away.
sick and tired tgk org sebok edit gamba.friendster ke ms ke facebook ke hape jadah ke.lame.loser.noobs.pahal? edit gamba sikit bajet bagus? pegi design cover magazine tuk aku.ke g bwatkan aku flash 19 page + games dgn info =_=
emolicious.tak pasal2 sbb GLORY TWEHA TWEHA +3 aku pecah.MAHAL SIAL RM 200 =_=
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Kene tag lagi.Gay
ok simple je.aku just jawab je.zzz
1.1st Crime ever?
lying.tak puase.i was 7 years old that time.zzz
2.1st Fight ever?
tadika.bergado berguling dgn ntah sape2.zzz
3.1st Quarrel ever?
my sis.she is gay.forever.zzz
4.1st Punch ever?
i dont remember.tapi rasenye waktu form 3.aku tumbuk muka suriani =_= zzz
5.1st Gang fight ever?
kat tasik Y bantai cine.zzz
bodoh punye soalan.ingat aku jahat sangat hape.zzzz
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Moonlit Ravine

currently listening Hit Em' Up - 2Pac Shakur (tambah mood membunuh LOLOL)
Friday, May 30, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Which one would you choose.Pride or Friendship.
1stly,how do i define Pride and Friendship? Pride.As a man,i had my own pride.I'll surrender i'll fight whether its good or wrong and if the thing that i am doing is on my kinships,i'll consider it my pride.And ? How do i define friendship? Friendship to me,roughly is then several people living together,sharing ups and downs,been there for each other,absolutely no BACKSTABBING even how bad u are hurt in the relationship and u'll still carry for each other eventho no communications occurred.Simple imagination also leads to a faithful friendship.
There is a competition.It mite be anything.But,u and ur friends did not have the chance to be in the same group because other people or some sort or partnerships or agreement have been made to form the group.Now.Imagine that ur alone,teaming up with a bunch of strangers versus ur friends.Normally people will consider its for fun,but deep inside,the person with more members minds are usually set to show off and beat the hell out of ur crap since ur alone.U think im lying? Tak penah rase mcm ni? Recall ur memory.Thats for the group.Meanwhile,competing as individual arent easy,nak kene jaga hati the other team,biase la kan,naive.Strong sense of justice and sportsmanships.Dalam otak dah set diorang tu kawan2 gak.Tanak over do and so on stuffs.
Okay next both the group are in the battlefield.As they proceed to beat the hell out of each other crap,geng member yg paling ramai start playing dirty trick,provoking,calling names.Biase la.Mentang2 sorang,strangers,kene bully.In research,as proven Martha Steward text book (aku tak ingat ape tajuk) kes2 mcm ni selalunye occurred 67% (ini kajian sociology).And here comes the problem.How should you react? At first maybe kite akan ingat diorang ni saje bergurau and sebenarnye they dont.They are dominating because of u are outnumbered,lacking voices in the group.And to both group and the loner with strangers,where's your pride and friendship.How do you react to this situation.I dont know.Judge urself.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 8:00 AM 0 comments
hari ni ade sebuah gig kecil di batu pahat bertempat di sandman guitars.
comment ku :
-bajet bwat music
-riffing,clipping,tapping ntah hape2
-songs crap.holi CRAP
-losers.buta music.buta hati.
aku tgk je.tapi tak cakap ape2.then sampai la satu band tu bukak mulut then i realize.LOL.aku tak la terrer sangat tapi kalau nak di comparekan dgn this band they suck.they claim they produce good music,but music yg sakitkan telinga org does it have the rights to be claim as music ?
as a new musician,u suck
Saturday, May 24, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Holic - Land of Hope

Friday, May 23, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 9:28 PM 0 comments
PANDAINYE AKU *two thumbs UP*

whoa,dah ade ilmu "ONE MISSCALL" dalam dunia siot.pasni ilmu death note pulak? tulis name kau dalam buku pastu mati? mcm waktu skola dulu2? tulis name bagaikan si peronda berbaju biru(pengawas jiahahhaah)
-aishh kau ni banyak sangat tgk movie antu ler WAHAI TUKANG STARTER.
-aishh kau ni mesti takde kawan nak di msg,takpon kredit terlebih @ pakai line @ kaye benau.
-if there is a method to kill like this,mesti mcm cite espionage mcm ALIAS ke, CHUCK ke, teknology membunuh gune radiasi telepon @ getaran maut.wahaha USA = EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE
-if its true,9 people which dead from this killing technique shud be reported on TV,yo im a masscomer.freedom to speech.mesti akan outbreak punye cite pasal ni.
abes dah autopsi aku.k last.note tuk wahai STARTER.
p/s:sekian terima kasut
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:31 AM 0 comments
Wargh shit.Shit happens.
Rumah di sambar petir.Cost me my laptop.My lan card on PC.My internet connection.My everything.Haih.Shit.I know shit's bad rite now.Everybody shit's getting emotional rite now.Wargh kennot live like this.Dying for internet connection.Aha anyway i quit online gaming.Couping up with it.Mcm org tak dapat ganja/dadah.Sangat painfull doooo.Haih i still got 1 trump card left World Of Warcraft(WOW).Bercuti jap.Anyway im looking for a job.Aside from job(biase) i can do design,umm cover book,cover magazine,fliers,banners,booklets,brochure anything from print to baju materials.Im taking jobs rite now.Need money.Anybody who need this kind of work please contact me ASAP.Money,Please.
Thursday, May 15, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Answer me please.
Mungkinkah tercipta
Bukannya untukku.
Do you,i need ur answer.please?
p/s: gunekan chatbox di bawah.penjawab yg betol,bakal mendapat hadiah.
Thursday, May 8, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Bye.Tomo ja nee.
Had enough will bullshits,crapfull of shitness in life.Im going sumwhere.Dont find me.Till then.Bye.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Quit.For a new life.
Offically.Starting from today.I Qayyum,will end my profession as a professional online gamer.
You cant find me anymore in the cyberworld.I already sold a part of my account.
Em tade sebab ape pon.Just had enough.Bosan dah.Ehe.Nak try bwat mende lain selain gaming.Work i guess.3 taun da gain knowlegde.Now mase tuk implement the knowledge for a better use,for a better future.Maybe bukan future org lain,but tuk diri aku sendiri.Tapi aku takkan stop main game.Just stop from being hardcore gamer lagi.Casual games je la pasni.CS,Dota,game yg dari DVD.Ehem.Identiti sebagai seorang gamer takkan hilang.Dun worrie XP
A lot of thanks to org2 banyak membantu aku menjadi gamer.Nak sebut name banyak.Really appreciate it.Time kaseh segala tunjuk ajar yg di berikan.And aku nak mintak maaf,kepade sesape yg terase hati,or tak puas hati,or ape2 je salah yg aku da bwat,maklumla,bile kite ade kuase,kite akan mule menyalahgunekan kuase,mcm aku jugak,backstab org sane,backstab org sini sbb nak dapat kuase(in game ONLY) and im sorry for being an asshole.Aku tau org kate aku eksen,lagak.Biase la.Bile kuat.Mcm tu la jadi.Im sorry XD.
Farewell,online games.Till then,i,Qayyum/Revoirs.Will step down,till i will be needed again.
Sunday, May 4, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:21 AM 0 comments
Di tag lokman pule =_= aishh.
mari menjawab survey.selalu aku bagi org survey waktu comm research.skarang aku kene jawab.aishhh
Currently - boring.balik2 dota.balik2 dota.dah GODLIKE DA NI ADOI LER
Playing - DOTA/Save the last dragon.
What's new? - Tido tidak lebih dan tidak kurang dari 7 jam sehari
Real name - Mohd Qayyum bin Abdul Razak
Nickname - Q.Yum,mok,Tendou,Revoirs(encik rank 23 dunia)
Married - Nope yet. Waiting for her or reverse.Nasib ler.
Male/Female - Male.
High school - High School Batu Pahat.
College - UiTM Shah Alam.
Are you a health freak? - nope.
Do you have a crush on someone? - Yeah.Im having 2nd thoughts.
Do you like yourself? - Nope on sum certain point of view.Im goddamn cocky.
Surgery - bersunat?
Person you see in the morning - Apexi,Yol,Abe Roe
Award - MOA awards,games (too many cuz im full time online gamer)
Sports you join in - Futsal(sumtimes)bowling.
Vacation - In my new look room.Hopefully AMAN.
Concert - Sunburst.Pukky cat doll sunway.Muse.Incubus.Amy Search.Wings.Semua kat KL.
Your future:
Want kids - Nak
Want to get married - Mestila bodoh?
Careers in mind - Editor,art director,creative director,publisher.
Which is better?
Lips or Eyes? - I prefer lips.
Hugs or Kisses? - Hugs, later kisses.
Shorter or Taller? - No comment.
Romantic or Spontaneous? - Both
Sensitive or Loud? - Loud.
Troublemaker or Hesitant? - Troublemaker at all times.
Have you ever,
Kissed a stranger? - Yes.Once.
Drank bubbles - Ni bubble tea kat Sammit Batu Pahat ke,yg kale ijau tu? mcm penah
Ran away from home - Nope
Liked someone younger - Yes.
Broke someone's heart - 3 times + 1 (2 weeks ago)
Been arrested - Almost.
Cried when someone died - 4 times.
Do you believe in,
Yourself - Surely.
Miracles - Doing degree in 2 semester (short course zzz)
Magic - TimeStop
Angels - Malaikat(yes) angel yg vampire tu ke? (ye percaye sbb ade dalam tv XD)
Is there someone you want to be with right now? - Yes.Helwa bte Hassan.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 1:55 AM 0 comments
A tribute to Pzy (acai)
ai.dun sad ler jackass.da sampai mase aku move on.aku jual acc tu pon sbb aku rase aku ni da tua.takde makne da pon pade aku acc tu.mmg banyak kenangan la.zaman berzaman menatang tu aku main.ehe.zaman x2,ke zaman k.o,zaman aTc,sampai ke k.o balik.haih.
ehe.ni ade sedikit or sumthing aku nak di tulis kat sini pasal kau pzy.first aku jumpe kau,kau ni er mcm anak tak gune.keje nak melawan je.angin aku.gyahaha.then eddy gorrila accept kau dalam aTc then baru la kau start training dgn aku.memule aku mmg taknak amek kau jadi anak buah aku,tetapi lame2,bile aku tgk kau,aku teringat aku sendiri perangai mcm mane.dgn kurang ajarnye,dgn blagak tak abes2nye.ahaha serupe aku la.damn.cis kau tak percaye aku ni "boomer king" ahaha sampai MY tornament 2005 baru kau nampak sape aku.cis.then baru kau kurang sikit jilakanye.then along came maiz,skin,wawan,yunie,shah,eddy,pojie,arep.damn that time kite sangat invincible.tak penah kalah ah seingat aku kalau kite tag main.rival pon waktu tu guild fake.sampai nak begado2 haha tah pape.game je kot.
aku admit kau mmg terrer.dgn kurang ajar + ke-jilaka-an kau,kau mmg berjaye prove kat aku yg kau mmg berbakat dan pro.dun sad pzy.kau still ade aku.aku jual acc je kot.bukan jual diri aku sendiri.takde kemane aku nak pegi lagi dah.sini je tempat aku.aku ade banyak lagi bende aku nak keja.so aku harap,kau dapat sambung la legacy kite.yg kite same2 fight.k.o famous bukan sbb aku je.takde korang tak kemane aku.mcm alim,maiz,kengkawan lain.great ally do.ehe and aku ingat nak mintak maap dgn kau.sbb memangil kau "acai" selame 2 taun kau berguru dgn aku XD yeah im such a jerk.forgive me acai.dah kau toksah sedih2.biau la aku legend ke tak legend lagi.takde maknye nye semua ni lagi.move on.mcm kau nak move on g matrix.
last word tuk kau acai.CONGRATZ.kau da graduate dari menuntut dgn aku.aku bangga dgn kau.
such a loyal,best buddies for life.thanks.time aku down kau gak yg ade,time begado pon kau yg beriye2.jahaha.damn i miss the old times lah.cis
Friday, May 2, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:07 AM 0 comments