Same mistake.

"Latest assignment" kene reject
oh well.baiklah.i tried.tapi takde rezeki.

mental ada sedikit down tapi it wont last long.
i want reasons not choices cuz i'll make the same mistake again.
get up and hit it again qayyum.

guess its only me and my baby pink psp till death do us apart sayang =/
i love u baby psp.i wont let people touch u,hurt u or do anything to u.
orite.this is moving on =)

btw baju captain bleach aku is on the making.gonna wear it on that and white.who cares.

im gonna wear 6th division captain black robe suit and a wooden sword of mine XD haha.

ah aku terjoin club drama for co this sem.celaka.mcm masuk akademi fantasia.blaja sebutan vokal.tinggal nyanyi lagu tema je dah mcm akademi fantasia.oh well.things are going great except for the "latest assignment".i shud follow ur advice roe/tini.but i didnt.haihs.the chances are now 0.76% and im not gonna hope for that.1 month and 15 days left.nothing much cant be done.

oh well.banyak mencarut tonite.kepala pon tgh migrain.sempat berdota seprame dua tadi.kalah satu menang satu.shit -.-

this weekend :

-gonna go watch x-files
-buying another memory stick pro making it 16 GB of storage
-modding my sayang
-buy a new cooler/fan for the big green daddy (pc)
-alas meja and a new pillow to hug.oh im so kiddish.mampos kau lah -.-

gnite malaysia.sleep well.

p/s : i love u baby psp.till death do us apart.