we're just raindrops

You're right I'm no good
You're no angel too
Let's see if we can find an easy way out
We are just raindrops
falling through the sky
All we do is wait
until the splash

in the end.we're just the same =)

dear bitch.

if u wanna going bitch and sluttin around.just go do it by urself.
takyah nak bawak org lain bitching and slutting also.

bitch.bitch.and bitch.


need a quick fuck?

p/s :u dont need stupid excuses to go bitching around such as hey its just another ******s
,n yadda,yadda,yadda

Gridion Gang

ever watch this movie? i've watch it twice.baru je habis just now.and i think this movie shud won oscar.or any movie award.sangat inspiring.and sangat mengharukan.based on true story.

in my personal opinion.i think this movie shud be played in jail and juvenile schools.always.because in this story.it potrays the current lifestyle,criminals and what will happen to them.story ni sangat membuka mata everybody kalau di hayati betul2.malaysia ni dah banyak sangat cerita cinta,sedih tak bertempat and a lot of useless+brainless entertainment.i think malaysia memerlukan seorang director like this one.change the malaysia scene of entertainment.save malaysia's movie industry and at the same time,saving the malaysian citizens and youth.

and i think this movie shud be played free of charge.semua pihak shud take part.as my point of view being a masscommer,to help our fellow criminal minded malaysian,movie ni can be played free of charge,cinemas shud giving away free tickets,stop cari duit.dah banyak dah duit u all companies had.kementerian also shud involved.instead paparkan muka2 ahli politik dekat white-screen yg diorang letak kat taman2.better mainkan this movie.

to the local entertainment industry,please stop producing rubbish.and i think sebagai artis.diorang potray imej.hey criminal also ada their idols tau.if the actors and directors can work their brain and asses out,producing cerita mcm ni,instead of producing rubbish love,comedy and sad stories.better produce and inspiring movie.help our corrupted malaysia to go back to the state where no corruptions,low social and criminals problem rates.

yeah i know i talked a lot.but hey,im giving out ideas.at least,aku tau aku tak mampu nak buat semua tu.so i contribute what i can.ideas.

people.ask urself.what are u gonna be in 4-5 years time.how about ur brothers and sisters.

p/s : im saving for what i can.cuz i'll need them in the future.who knows.

Happy Birthday !

Happy birthday to some of my friends and family.God bless you.
Happy birthday in advance jugak to several people yg akan menyambutnya.

Nov + Dec people :

Nov 21 - Nabila S (a friend from hometown)
Nov 25 - Atufah (best brother)
Nov 25 - Syera (future cousin)
Nov 30 - Anna Aziera (my ex)

Dec 3 - Afiqahelmiza (crappiest shit load + extra goddamn creative ppl)
Dec 4 - Helwa (=D)
Dec 5 - Amirah (future cousin)
Dec 7 - Tk-san (best brother)

Nah yg guys bole amik yg the beetles punya lagu :

Yg girls amik yg from Gray Worldwide punye :

Happy Birthday.God bless you.Semoga panjang umur n murah rezeki!

Who will save them?

Dlm setiap layer umur masyarakat di malaysia.Banyak masalah.Personally aku rasa malaysia dah tak boleh di selamatkan.Worst dah.

umur 7-12 = tak sekolah.melepak ntah hape2
umur 12-17 = begadoh sane sini (kecil-kecilan)
umur 17-25 = rempit.mafiarism dunia melayu.gay.lesbo.sedikit aktiviti rompakkan (kecil-kecilan)
umur 25-37++ = jenayah besar/kolar putih.membunuh,merompak bank and so on.
umur 37-70++ = jenayah politik.

superman or what-so-called-ever man.please come.but dont save us.instead,annahilate us all.
kill 1000.save only 1.

p/s : im not planning to stay in malaysia in the future.

Hey loot at me.Im officially sumbody =)

hey.lets hear some epic story from untrustworthy me XD :

i didnt have great school moments.
i hang out with the geeks.
i didnt play rugby,
neither the cadets.
or either im not a gangster in the school,
neither famous.
im just a simple me.
qayyum.thats what i am.

yes,im fat
i dont have many friends.
i cant be trusted.
i talk shits and crap.
i dont hide these facts.
so what say u?

in school.i sit infront.
i talk about games,computers and gadgets with my geek friends.
we're labeled as the budak pandai skema in the class.
yet,were always kena bully.
but its okay.

when we,the geeks hangout,
yes we are always with our bag packs,
we dont have all the good looking looks,
either cute girls,
and we dont event know how to groom ourselves,
we dont belong to any social culture grups,
hip hops? punk? skinhead?
we,geeks,still the geek.
we dont do fashions,
we do enjoy ourselves.

again.in school,but this is after the school ends.
we take pictures,
today,when i look into the picture,
i can tell
who become a man,
and who doesnt.
and not to mention who is currently becoming a man.

today.i look back.
and i know,where am i now
like my BM teacher said,
belajar sampai menara gading,
im there cikgu zahrah.
im there.

im now somebody.
finished my small time dip
and undergoing my big time deg.
and im dating the hottest pharmacist/doctor-to-be-in Johor.

hey daddy and mommy.
look at me.
im proud to be ur son.
even u both arent that somebody in ur time.
but please,
look back for urself in me.
i did what u always want me to do.
i did what u both cant accomplish in ur time.
thanks to you both daddy and mommy.

i'll pay back for each and every effort u both done.
i promise.

Lose,bad luck and hard way.

The King Of Fighters Challenge 2008 @ Bp Mall.

haiya.wa sudah kalah la.haha.em aku repeat balik on this comming monday.2nd try.u see,that 1st matchup is handicap.sbb fahd adeeb tu baru 10 taun.budak je lagi.and hafizi is quite noob -.-
so sbb tu 1st matchup ni sangat tak balanced.ni dia tak draw tau sapa lawan sapa.sapa register nama tros isi.crap.

ok 2nd matchup is my match.guess who was my opponent? toke kedai game sammit (Game Space) bapak hang lah.ni pon agak handicap.dia toke game kot.PS KOTTT.aku lebih to PC.oh well menang yg ni.tapi next round kalah dgn anak dia pulak Chee Loong.haihs.

3rd matchup pun agak handicap.opponent Chee Loong tak datang so dia automatically fwd to next match.hanjeng.

4th matchup ni kengkawan si hafizi ke adik ke abg dia hilmie.boleh la main sikit dari si hafizi.opponent dia noob abis.kimakkan.luck gile babi.

bad luck aku ni.haih harap this comming monday aku dapat lawan yg agak sesuai dgn aku.adios.

p/s : tufah and miftah pls balik on this monday.ada 3 spot kosong lagi.huaaa sifu chow meng aaaa (gaya anak buah wong fei long mintak tolong sifu dia)



Less talk is kinda perfect.

I had a gift.I dont think this "gift" is a "gift".Its a curse.

Try to think bout this.

"I poke, but i know when and how to poke it at the right spot.Thats why im holding myself back"

so if u ever2 encounter anyone saying like :

1.cakap la.tak marah pun.
2.bg tau je la.lambat laun nanti tau.
3.talk dammit.

p/s : ignore this.
p/s 2 : terasa hati pegi mati.

What When Wrong With Us?

Melayu sering di label lupa diri.Juga sering di label dgn pelbagai jenis label.Tapi, pernahkah anda terfikir mengapa, dan di mana silapnya.Saya ambil contoh yg senang.Games.Saya gemar bermain games.Mentality saya boleh di katakan mentaliti gamers Melayu.Bongkak,takbur,dan segala2 yg mazmumah.Tetapi apabila saya bermain games yg server nya based on USA,or selain Malaysia, Singapore, saya telah mempelajari banyak benda.


Saya bermain permainan online yg baru iaitu Fiesta Online.Mmg sukar untuk berjumpa dgn org Asean dlm game ni.Saya player baru di sini.Pelbagai benda saya harus belajar.Dan saya berkenalan dgn beberapa player dari USA,antaranya Cecilia,Sandy dan Brock.Mereka mengajar dan mengajak saya mengenali lebih dalam tentang Fiesta Online.

Ironicnya di sini, saya di layan dgn sangat baik.Walaupun mereka baru sahaja kenal saya,saya di layan bagai adik beradik.Tidak seperti segelitir gamers Melayu, bila kuat,jadi sombong.Berlagak.Di sini, sekuat mana pun org itu, dia tetap akan merendah diri.Bukan sahaja kawan2 yg saya sebutkan tadi, malahan org yg saya baru temui juga adalah sangat baik dan ramah.Saya agak terharu mereka mengadakan donation party tuk membelikan saya equipment2 dan juga membantu saya utk menjadi lebih handal.Saya amat mengagumi sikap player2 foreigner ini.

Walau berperang di party quest map skali pun,tapi bila jumpa di bandar2 org lvling di kawasan off player killing,mereka akan saling bertegur siapa dan tolong menolong.Sangat sukar untuk berjumpa sikap yg begini,professionalism.Jikalau dunia Melayu? Sekali bermusuh,selamanya bermusuh.Saya tergamam melihat perkara sebegini berlaku.

Dan saya berfikir sejenak berkenaan benda ini.Mengapa saya boleh menjadi sangat takbur dgn kebolehan saya,mengapa saya di label sedemikan.Saya sedar,mmg salah saya kerana mempunyai kebolehan sedemikan,tetapi bukan salah saya seorang,lawan saja juga bersalah.Jika saya tidak di provoke sedemikan rupa,ataupun di caci maki,mungkin saya tidak begitu.

Jadi,di sini,saya sedar di mana silapnya pada diri saya.Dan saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk mengubah tabiat buruk ini.Start small,step by step dan saya akan cuba untuk mengaplikasikannya di dalam kehidupan seharian nanti.Bukan sahaja di dalam game.


King Of Fighter Maximum Impact II : Regulation A

fuwah besok aku sudah mau compete.cemas.argh.training tak cukup lagi.anyway aku nak praktis lagi.

team A : Soiree,Wild Wolf & K
team B : Soiree,Wild Wolf & Ash Crimson

Random Tag

The Rules:

1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve tagged, and to read your blog.

Random Fact No. 1
Aku seorang computer freak,tech-savvy,gadget man.

Random Fact No. 2
Gila games sampai aku ada n-gage n psp tuk di main.Walaupun di atas motosikal,kalau sempat,pastu mau main juga.Haha

Random Fact No. 3
Amat mengemari Laruku serta Uverworld dan bercita utk ke konsert mereka.

Random fact no. 4
Mempunyai ketahanan badan tuk bermain game sehingga 30 jam ++ tanpa tidur,makan serta rehat.

Random fact no.5
Alah kepada minyak cap kapak,baunya sahaja boleh membuatkan aku migrain.Hadui

Random fact no.6
Mempunyai nilai taakulan yg sangat tinggi dan daya refleks yg sangat tinggi apa bila bermain games.Aku boleh agak apa musuh akan buat,dan juga merancang strategi tuk mengalahkan meraka.Selalu memandang 50 tapak kehadapan ketika bermain game.

Random fact no. 7
Aku suka makan.Tapi aku sangat alergic bila makan kari.Tak kira what sort of kari pun,afta makan mesti demam,di sertai dgn selsema yg menggila

Random fact no. 8
Seorang makhluk norturnal.Tido gelap bangun hari gelap juga.Tak jumpa siang.Hahaha.

Saya tag :
Semua kawan2 =D


Your results:
You are Hulk

Green Lantern
Iron Man
The Flash
Wonder Woman
You are a wanderer with
amazing strength.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

the worst fear -.- happened

shit.akhirnya kemegahan hard disk aku telah di tewaskan oleh sebuah movie bodoh yg corrupt.
1.8 terra yg penuh dgn pelbagai wonders aku telah corrupt.di paksa tuk reformat semula semua partition tu.terima kasih kepada kawan2 yg gatal tangan tuk mencompress sesetgh files aku dan juga menguncompress files2 itu.uwa.

di mana kan ku cari ganti..movie2 ku T_T

stupid malays.go on.

ever been in the situation like this?

"u are doing ur best,in fact, u are the best in what u do,and then,come this stupid little faggot that annoyed with u and ur ability which eventually will annoy u with his/her stupid little faggot minded thinking"

i'll say.fuck the malays.fuck em real good.grow up little motherfuckers.i aint do anything which reveals ur stupidness or that low mentality of urs.stop taking quota's.continue to struggle u little motherfucker.fuck i didnt do anything for fuck sake.dont fuck around with me.accept that the fate that the fact is,u are just another motherfuckin moron.there is always no room for u to hope cuz the hope doesnt exist itself.

bitch,climb to the top.no matter how hard and how often u fall.learn to accept weaknesses.

quote from the film hackers

"mess with the best,die like the rest"

and if u are on ur way to the top,there is always me infront of u,u little motherfucker.

tag tag tag tag from raja makan 6B

Every question is referring to one person.
i pick attufah

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
best buddies for life

2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her

* hot headded
* sangat durable
* easy going
* satu kepala
* selalu compete dgn aku sapa bole makan paling banyak haha

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
too many to list.haha.

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
big fat bender wannabe.fat ass.lols

5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
oi.gila apa soalan ni.takde2.next

6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
dont care,i'll kick,i'll punch and i'll even stare him to death telling that he is my buddy for life.

7. If he/she become your lover, he has to improve on...
kejadahnya.lain2.ni gay ni

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
nope.there wont be one i guess.

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
apasal la soalan semua gayish

10. The overall impression of him/her is...
buddies for life.

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
bajet best,bajet power,poyo,overconfident,doubtfull,eh g mampus la.

12. The character of you for yourself is?
straight foward.funny kot.

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
yeah sumtimes im overconfident over the edge.i hate myself for having sum abilities that others dont.and that
makes me overconfident.

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
myself.hate others.

15. For the people who likes you, say something about them
thanks =)

16. Ten people to tag:
sila2 jawab

1. Attufah
2. Helwa
3. Abe Roe
4. Keen
5. Mel
6. Luqa
7. Nabila Saat
8. Dayana
9. Tk-San
10. sesape je yg membace.

17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
me.im hers.

18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
Male.My elder brother,best buddy from Uitm.a goodlistener to me.problem solver =D

19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
alamak tatau la.sbb nombo 10 tu cud be anybody.

20. How about no. 5 and 8?
dedua awek.both are good friend of mine =)

21. What is no. 1 studying about?
law student

22. Is no. 4 single?
ye la kot.tatau.tak tanye.nnt kang tanye.

23. Say something about no. 6
a very,very good friend of mine.

lets go home.

I've got my memories
They're always
Inside of me
But I can't go back
Back to how it was
I believe in now
I've come too far
No I can't go back
Back to how it was
Created for a place
I've never known

This is home
Now I'm finally
Where I belong
Where I belong
Yeah, this is home
I've been searching
For a place of my own
Now I've found it
Maybe this is home
Yeah, this is home

Belief over misery
I've seen the enemy
And I won't go back

Back to how it was
And I got my heart
Set on
What happens next
I got my eyes wide
It's not over yet
We are miracles
And we're not alone

muhasabah diri

my mind is bad,my thinking is bad,but practice always makes perfect,even 1000 times failed,meaning you are 10 times better then before :D