sebab dah byk jadi. im growing sick of how things goes. benda2 ni suma kita boleh nampak di status2 ym, facebuk, mespes, frenshit (frenster, sorry) even in personal blogs and whatnot. do you ever, by any chance, terfikir on what im going to talk here?
ok first off, THERE IS NO HAPPY ENDING. even the richest and brightest person in the world pon cant find happiness. apsal aku sebut richest dulu? sebab MONEY is everything. dan kenapa brightest comes after richest? sbb by being clever ko akan dapat buat banyak duit.
normal situation macam ni. ko bercinta. la de da du du nikah, probably kahwin. what soon follows is hoisting the burden of being a dad (or a mother) bagi anak2 ko makan. aging. then die.
thats REALITY.
what annoys me is, some ppl expecting a happily ever after. knight in shining armor. Rapunzel dada. or the likes. come on la get a grip.
love is subjective, aku tau. tp the way it wud effect u AND the ppl around you wht matters most. ppl will grow sick of ur childish fairytale-ish stories on how she shud stay with you or making him lying to you just to keep you happy. what the fish? its the other way around, noobies.
Love is all about letting go. if you cant accept the fact, then how u reckon to survive in situations where ure being left alone?
thru observation and experiences (read it or fuck it)
kebanyakan (READ: KEBANYAKAN) lelaki bercinta ntuk sex semata. girls, accept the fact that hes just trying to get into ur pants =/. penuh dengan dengan janji palsu, sweet words dan teddybears. then bila dah kena fuck dan kena tinggal, baru ko tau langit tu tinggi mana. you just got served, bitches!
lecture law aku (en adlan) bagi satu statement. mmg hilarious and menjengkelkan but its the truth.
(generally) Lelaki memang dilahirkan nakal. tapi perempuan yang lembab.
(actully dia sebut 'perempuan yang bodoh' tapi aku tgh berusaha keras ntuk tidak stereotyping)
ko nk gelak? sila. ko nk marah dan flame? try me. but thats the fucking fuck freaking fact.
now for the girls.
kebanyakan (READ: KEBANYAKAN) perempuan bercinta nak lelaki hensem, berduit, berkereta and whatnot. itu normal. kalau aku jadi perempuan pon aku akan cari lelaki hensem berduit berkereta n shits. siapa tanak dimanjakan? ko nak makan pasir lepas kahwin?
yg problem nya diorang ni, (macam lelaki gak la kot) akan simpan melambak spare tyre dan plan B. maksud aku plan B tu orang2 yg akan menjadi bekap kalau 1st bf dia fuck dia dan tinggalkan dia, dan akhirnya dia akan fokus kt bekap dia tu dan most probably ended up kahwin. ITU PROBLEMNYA. siapa yg pernah jadi bekap rasa la kot. aku rasa. do u? (guys)
memana plan B diorang yang baik akan jagela that girl cam tatang dulang yg penuh air (lol) kena pulak nasib tak baik, akan diambil pulak kesempatan. nasib korang (those girls type) la. tp ntuk jenis bekap 1st yg baik itu pulak, aku rasa mmg pity gila la, sebab being a backup plan. how pathetic is that...
so it comes to my conclusion is that, adekah type of girl yg understang (sorry, understanding) wujud lagi ke? dan at certain extent, aku terpk gak, ade ke lelaki yg bercinta bukan dasar sex semata?
well those down to earth ppl mmg exists. ada yg cantik lawa kaya dan tuf hensem kaya. ada juga yg gigi terkeluar, bulat macam tayar steamroll pendek buncit miskin. its just a matter u know them and realized it. tp taleh camni gak, adekah korang akan terima diorang seadanya? (emoticon:wink) kalau tak terima, its your call, your life. tp dont start appreciate when they're gone.
as for me, money comes 1st. get me to choose between a hot young lady+lascivious body+angel's face (yg jatuh cinta kaw2 kat aku) ngan rm 1 juta, i'll choose the 1mill grand. zip. deal sealed.
actly aku nk tulis apsal bebudak skang emo bercinta (as in emosional gila dalam bercinta) tp tah keparit pulak note ni lol. nanti la kot aku merepak (sorry, merepek) lagi. malam ni satu lagu siap, tu dah cukup ntuk menghepikan aku, but crushed by the news of pemergian Timbalan Dekan masscomm ku, En Shafie (along with a jr, maryam (mariam or miriam, not sure) al fatihah. may angels lead them in.
sekian wabilahitaufiqwalhidayah. samekom. salam ukhwah fillah.
*aku tau aku ade carut sana sini dlm note ni lol, lantak.
credits to Hafiz Henshin.
aha..aku ske yg tuk yg simpan spare tyre tu kurenk skit la stuju.bkn smua la kot..tul tak?hee..jz my opinion..
wei ni apiz mamod ke tulis? haha
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