akhirnya setelah penat bekerja selama 22 hari tanpa henti, dapat juga aku rehat on weekend. the boys ada tourney sox under celcom. 2 team, koyakbois and elysian legacy (anis). so why not throw them a party? oh btw they all manage to go to the grandfinal! yeah good job bois see u guys on the 22 & 23 at kenanga whole sale mall!
and theres a lot of work needed to be done. road to grandfinals is not that easy. keep that momentum, composure, train a lot and hope all of those efforts pays off :)
btw i didnt get the chance to thank tuan rumah hatim, thanks to those yg datang, tak tau la sedap ke tidak cukup ke terlebih ke makan ke apa, thanks yg datang support budak2 ni yang tolong aku masak apa semua n yg datang sokong diorang kat tropicana sana
tenkiu twt_dota admins sebab datang sana cover aku. tak dan nak juggle sana sini akdasasasdl
ok dah. enjoice the gambar2
lamb. coffee lamb with special bbq sauce, lamb roast and rosemary sprinkled on top. peppers and shits. marinated at least 6 hours. later bila bakar, sapu dgn balance sos n madu yang di cairkan dengan air. panggang sampai lemak dia caramelized and angkat. tadah!
coffee lamb, 50 hotdawgs, 60 pieces of wings, thigh and drumsticks marinated with spicy herbs with bla bla bla. mango pudding by naemah, bihun goreng by nas. and special ribena cocktail with sprite and mint leaves. nyum nyum. 30 hungry demons to be fed that night.
minions, minions everywhere.
belom apa2 dah bodoh
koyakbois stressful moments.
their 1st game. versus 322ddz (not ddz himself lelz)
kat ruang tamu 1st
ruang tamu 2nd
tukang panggang ayam. aku dah flat duduk dalam jela rasa mcm nak mampus dah seharian
them bois matters the most. #20mandoto #30manbbq