Kisah 1
Last nite was a bad nite.Had a quarrel with someone and i cant get myself to chill.So i decided to end the misery by punching my toilet door.It was like "no pain at all".After punching it and somehow i realized."Wow dah berlobang", and i look at my knuckle "oh darah".Rase puas hati and then lepak2.Pastu afta 2-3 jam ahhh shit.Da start rase sakit.Jilaka.Pastu malam g ospital.Blah3 my middle and point finger is broken.Shiiitt.Tak la broken tapi moved placed.So kene simen,bagi penyokong and bandage.Shiiiit.
Kisah 2
Sewaktu pegi ospital tu.Mom got a call.Dia dapat cucu sedare lol.Kebetulan satu hospital.So afta im done we go visit the newborn baby.Name dia Siti Hajar bte Abu Samah.So cuteee.Rase mcm nak picit.Kang picit mati pule -_- jahaha.Then me and mom congratz her blah3.Cooooomelll sangat baby ni.Hope she would grow up beautifully like her mom.Welcome to the family little one.

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