Pirate King Online - Gateway baru tuk melepaskan diri dari cengkaman Gunbound yg semakin boring dan merapu.Best.Actually this game is about getting the treasure buried around the New Ocean world.So we have to be the best pirate to obtain the secret treasure.I find this game cool.Nice 3-D effects.Nice alignment,nice graphics.
There's 4 types of character that one bole pilih.Lance,Ami,Phillys and Brock? Ye ke? Tah la.Ade jugak several job mcm explorer,swordman,hunter,herbalist,sealmaster for 1st job.2nd job voyager,crusader,sniper and ade 2 lagi tatau.I've been playing with some frens yg quit Gunbound gak seperti saye.I choose to became an explorer.Which specialized in the sea fights and knows how to start an epic voyage.Cewahhh.Baru je main 2 hari.Lvl 40 da tuka pon pade voyager.Now lvling dengan kawan.
Seronok main mende ni.Takdela stress mcm Gunbound.Bile miss je stress.Btw map dlm game ni sangatlah luas.Bercantum2 dengan map yg lain.Yg best nye ade system kapal.Bole naik kapal pegi pulau n cari harta karun.I brought my 1st ship.Cap ayam je tapi highly cost.14K -_- miskin aku.So i wanna insert some print screen.Enjoy.

hahahaha.. selamat kembali ke dunia pko. aku sambung men lambat sket. tgh melalau ni~
hehe.i pn telah kembali.tp korang main kt anchor i kne stat all over balik.flyff bosan.pko lg best! :D
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