#1 describe 10 things about the person who tagged you. (Cik Dayana orgnya)
1. er kenal waktu after2 spm.randomly.at #sk8erz
2.sangat polite.i think
3. same2 chatting kat irc dlu.agak kecoh.haha
4.suke bace novel.er i think.sbb ada je review pasal new novel.
5. tatau la pulak dia ni bole kawan gak dgn nabila saat.tak sangka.lol.kecik je dunia
6. rasenya suka anime kot.eh ye ke
7. alamak tatau nak cakap ape lagi
8. best la cik dayana ni.masuk kepala.haha
9. (tolong isi sendiri nnt dlm comment box ye cik yana)
10.(nabila pon tolong isi gak dlm comment box)
#02 - Now u have to describe 10 things about urself.
1. the name is qayyum.
2. im a game freak.i dont have time for others.haha
3. im alergic to curry.makan je demam.LOL
4. im not funny.im sarcastic
5. im tech-savvy guy
6. i think i somehow represent the impersonation of Dr.Gregory House.the way he see life,same as the way im seeing it now.
7. i learned that u cant always be there for people.i have trust issue nowdays
8.hey,im proud to say that i DONT BELIEVE IN HOPE anymore.
9. i dont have a lot of friends.but somehow.i do have a lot,a loooot of hypocrites saying that they are my friend
10. and currently,im trying to have a life.and reviewing it.how do i enjoy life.
#03 - At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names..
RAFIK (HAHA maybe 1st tag kau kot)
Nabila S.
kawan2 lain nak test pon boleh.isi je.ehe
Tag.Lame dah tak kene tag
Monday, December 29, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:30 AM 1 comments
Khas.Untuk org2 yg takde life part 2

Battle stats
Speed: 46,193.2954
Strength: 27,619.5391
Defence: 1,881.7139
Dexterity: 39,464.7159
Total: 115,159.2643
tak handal pun battle stats saye.
ni pulak working stats
Working stats
Manual labor: 19,655
Intelligence: 23,111
Endurance: 17,457

Sunday, December 28, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Khas.Untuk org2 yg takde life.HAHA!

ala-ala Roronoa Zoro dlm One Piece

BOE + 3 rage.biase2 je punye item.ayam.ehe.pet str lvl 24 yg bernama Cikong Tompok

musuh neo yg adik beradik tu.The Twins.topeng dia ada tapi aku tak pakai.
dlm mode ni aku agak kuat sikit.

pet lvl 32 name Mat Keram
Saturday, December 27, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:57 AM 2 comments
Sarah McLachlan - When She Loved Me
When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart
And when she was sad, I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy, so was i, when she loved me.
Through the summer and the fall, we had each other, that was all
Just she and I together, like it was meant to be
And when she was lonely, I was there to comfort her
And I knew that she loved me.
So the years went by, I stayed the same
And she began to drift away, I was left alone
Still I waited for the day, when she'd say "i will always love you."
Lonely and forgotten, never thought she'd look my way,
She smiled at me and held me, just like she used to do,
Like she loved me, when she loved me
When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful,
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart
When she loved me.
p/s : people will remember,and at the same time,forgot and forgive.
ups and down of life, it is =)
Friday, December 26, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:11 AM 1 comments
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
Cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in
If you do not want to see me again, I would understand
I would understand
The angry boy, a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain
You know you don't belong
You're the first to fight, you're way too loud
You're the flash of light on a burial shroud
I know something's wrong
Well, everyone I know has got a reason
To say
"Put the past away"
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
You could
Cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in
If you do not want to see me again, I would understand
I would understand
Well, he's on the table and he's gone to code
And I do not think anyone knows what they're
Doing here
And your friends have left you, you've been dismissed
I never thought it would come to this, and I
I want you to know
Everyone's got to face down the demons
Maybe today
You could put the past away
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
You could
Cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in
If you do not want to see me again, I would understand
I would understand
I would understand
I would understand
I would understand
I would understand
I would understand
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Can you put the past away
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend (I would understand)
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend (I would understand)
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend (I would understand)
And I would understand (I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend)
I would understand (I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend)
I would understand
Thursday, December 25, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:57 AM 1 comments
Tegami Haikei No Juugo Kimi E Part 2
Letter To My 15-Years-Old-Self/Tegami Haikei No Juugo Kimi E
aku insaf.aku insaf.aku sedar dari mana aku datang T_T
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 6:02 AM 3 comments
Tegami Haikei No Juugo Kimi E
dunno why the student cries.the song sounds beautiful to me.but they cried.
LOL? i wonder.somebody please explain or translate this song for me
or is the music is toooo damn beautiful until it makes people cry?
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:52 AM 0 comments
5.12 am
Initiating "Ditching Plan A"
Goodbye old days.
Goodbye some entry in the phonebook.
Goodbye somebody in Friendster
Goodbye somebody in MySpace.
Goodbye somebody in Facebook.
Goodbye MassComm
Monday, December 22, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:10 AM 3 comments
Get In Control
em and i cant sleep well at night again.
oh my lord,
i need the patience in me.
i tried not to think -ve,
but his existence.
troubled my thoughts
yet i cant forgive him.
and im not forgetting.
p/s : im gonna keep a good eye on u.again, 1 single wrong step, i'll confront you myself.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:42 AM 0 comments
Obesesi.Keterlaluan.Ego dan Hakikat
penahkah anda mengambil sedikit masa untuk mengetahi sejauh mana obsesi dan keegoan anda.
saya sering melakukan begitu.mengukur tahap keegoan saya dgn id-ego,super-ego dan ego.
saya juga mempunyai obsesi yang tersendiri iaitu gaming.
so to speak, kite tak hidup sorang dlm dunia ni, either way, semua org pon ada ego. one shud had tolarance dlm diri masing2.dari lvl kawan2,ke lvl boyfren-gelpren,lvl marriage dan mcm2 lvl lagi.
tapi obsessi ni selalu jadi masalah.i dunno how to explain,tapi for example situation like this :
A ni seorang polis.B ni org2 biasa je.A dgn B ni kawan baik.Lama dah kawan.Then B ni driving,A ikut.Si B ni dia cuai ketika driving.Banyak reason bole jadi.Maybe dia baru biasa bawak kereta yg itu.Or maybe kete tu tayar yg tak betul.Maybe takde lesen.Mcm2 maybe.Tapi si B ni terlalu obsess dgn undang2, and meanwhile dia tu polis, dia act dgn tengking best fren dia tu tanpa usul periksa.terus mintak licence semua and so.Tanya terus mcm polis mcm nak cari salah.Marah2 and so.Mcm tak kenal kawan dia.
Yes.Kat sini sure B rasa serba salah.Dia tau kawan dia tu.A tu ade fikir mcm tu ke.At least,A ni boleh tanya elok2.Cakap elok2 ke.Apa masalah dia driving mcm tu.
See,kat sini dah jadi masalah dah dlm satu2 relationship ni.Definately 100% B akan rase serba salah.Banyak reason.Kalau betul dia salah pon dia tak patut di layan mcm tu.Eventho si B ni tak kawan dgn A skali pun, kate la outsider ke, takboleh ke nak tanye elok2.Mana budi bahasa.Org melayu kan kaya dgn budibahasa,ke dah kayap.
okay abis dah pasal obsessi.
Ego pulak.Biasa la semua org pon ada ego sendiri.Sapa nak kalah aite? Sapa nak malu? Law of nature sendiri kate "the stong shall live and the weak shall die"
Based on life exp aku,aku selalu jadi org yg mengalah.Dgn kawan2.But not rival.Sapa yg aku consider rival, aku takkan kasi can.Btw i mean rival tu rival yg dirty.Persaingan tidak sihat.Kalau yg sihat tu its okayla with me.Being in uitm, lagi2 in masscomm teach me sumthing.Sumthing meaningfull.True colors of people.And no wonder uitm ni selalu jadi bahan nape student2 semua yg tak elok.Sbb yg tak elok lagi banyak dari yg tak elok.Ada yg study pandai perangai mcm syaitan.Ada yg bongok tapi baik nak mampus.Biasalah.Org.Mcm2 ragam kan.
Selama aku 3 taun ++ kat sana,mcm2 org dah aku jumpa.Opportunis, blah3..list go on.Memandangkan aku yg paling muda.So aku sering mengalah.People asking for help,yet mcm mana aku susah pon aku tolong.Lepaskan dulu kawan2 lain baru kita.Never ask back la anything.Kita pun tatau kan bila masa kita nak mintak tolong org.Tapi why org2 yg kita tolong ni,kita mengalah ni tak penah nak sedar,cmon,kau terhutang budi kot.Kalau duit tu bole la di bayar(kalau ingat).Tapi kalau mcm exam ke,test ke,assignment ke.Cmon kalau takde org tolong,takde markah for u,bila takde markah, bye bye la.
Tak kesah la semua tu.There is one incident buat aku menyampah sangat.Membuatkan aku benci.Dah meluat nak mampus.Dont wanna jolt down here.Drop by me a msg to know why.At least respect la org yg banyak tlg dgn mengalah tu.Org tegur elok2,kau balaslah elok2.Dont need nak naikkan ego.Sampaikan tegur dgn tanye pon tak boleh.Or kalau tak boleh nak di tegur,at least sedar la diri.Org banyak tolong, the least u can do is have urself a limit.Ego.
I hate to admit it.But 50% of my heart says Uitm ni mmg nak tolong melayu,tapi melayu yg di tolong tu tanak tolong diri sendiri, and 50% lagi aku nak sangat Uitm ni strict lagi pemilihan studentnya.Kalau courses yg interview tu please buat satu kelayakkan yg sangat strict.Jgn tanya lagi soalan2 bodoh.Or mintak buat mende bukan2.
Mcm masscomm ni, hakikatnya, ni bukan course suka2 dgn melaram.Ni course technical.Seriusly said org yg boleh buat keje je aku rasa boleh survive dlm masscomm.And org2 yg bole buat keje ni la selalu di manipulasi dgn org2 tak guna.Pretty faces mcm dlm PR kau ingat semua bole pakai ke? Talk much hasil crap.Advertising ? haih ni semua mainan duit.Kau baya la duit sure dapat tender.I dunno much about journalism,and publishing? ni mix.Creativity + rajin + malas.Susah jumpa budak publish dgn journal malas.Sbb ni yg baru betol2 technical aku rasa.
Again.Aku ulang.In my OPINION.
Well.Itu la hakikat.Obsessi dan ego.Be reasonable.Be considerable.Kawal emosi.Kawal ego.Kawal obsessi.Kenal diri sendiri.Yet aku bukan lah bagus mana.Tak bagus pun aku ni.Tapi kerana benda2 mcm ni buat aku sedar.Sampai mana aku silap,penah tak aku buat benda2 mcm ni kat org.Penah tak aku aniaya org.Setakat ni belom lagi.Good for me.
2.buat baik berpada2.buat jahat biar kepalang.
3.repect urself before others respect u.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:58 AM 1 comments
pissed off.
the fuck? aku nak mencarut serta memaki hamun.
tapi sabar jela.tgh demam.fuck streamyx.fuck it.damn.aku tidak mendapat connection internet selama lebih 14+ jam akibat kebodohan,ke-moron-nan,kelahanatan telekom malaysia kerana tidak menyampaikan maklumat bahawa stesen mereka terganggu perkhidmatan dan juga sedang menaik taraf perkhidmatan.
kamon la pukimak.telekom malaysia stands for what? communication la.cmon.every streamyx account akan di beri email account.apa ingat aku tak guna ke account email tu.aku check siot.bukan tabole hanta mass email.bg tau akan tergendala ke apa.syarikat air johor boleh amik inisiatif bagi tau dlm paper hari2 sekian,takde air.apasal telekom malaysia takboleh buat mcm tu.
bodoh la pengarah telekom.mcm pukimak tau tak.pantat mak kau lah.telekom malaysia konon.amik la sikit inisiatif bagi tau dlm berita ke.bodo la.bodo kau tau bodo.
pasal kebodohan ini aku dah rugi Rm 100.babi bulan2 aku baya sial 108 hengget.ni dah rugi 100 kau nak ganti ke sial.sial punya telekom.duit nak service mcm pukimak.bodoh la.eh mmg bodoh la.tak payah pegi usa,amik singapore dgn indon je.1 MB internet,kalau download benda 3GB kau tau tak bape minit.15 minit je sial.bandwith besar.ni aku pakai 2MB.download benda 20 GB dekat 5-6 hari.tu pakai premium rapidshare.puki apa.kalau pakai torrent lagi la berminggu2.
bodoh telekom.bodohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ganti balik Katzblader + 15 aku.sial 150,000,000 m tau tak.kalau jual RM 500.sial.ganti balik la sial.
p/s : suka aku la nak mencarot ke apa.kau nak ganti 500 kat aku? kalau taknak kau diam sudah lahanat.
p/s 2 : maaf kerana terlalu vulgar.aku demam dan seseme kronik.serta di panaskan lagi dgn SHITMYX
Saturday, December 20, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:43 AM 3 comments
I still can’t believe you’re gone
Oh I remember you like yesterday
And until I’m with you, I carry on
Thursday, December 18, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:21 AM 2 comments
Hari ini DOMO dan juga hidung aku.
n then balik rumah tetibe di datangi seseme.
well im easy infected by the seseme.
and the seseme is usually the chronic one.
memula dia gatal2 idung,then seseme,idung sumbat,then up 1 stage dia akan naik ke mate,mate gatal,and the 2nd stage is where i get my migrain
(please,in this state,please,please dont bother me cuz im easily get annoyed and irritated)
mumuk said i lack of vit C,which i think i had a lot (HAHA)
oh enuff,aku sudah pon irritated dgn menulis sambil mengelap hidung dgn tisu.syaitan.
i have been awarded as the DONALD TRUMP in DOMO (dream of mirror online)
er waktu gm announce ni aku tak perasan,
aku tgh woodcutting (siap kene gelak dgn mumuk)
then aku usha web.wahah nama naik.
lawak -_-
ada rasenye screen shot tapi berlambak nak cari.
kalau jumpa nnt aku upload
"Revs- has been awarded with the title Donald Trump"
assets and networth is beyond 45M per day
with his savings appox : 510M
er aku sangat lol.....
p/s : haihs...bestnye kalau duit tu duit betol...oh well.selamat hari kaya mr.revs- =)
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:09 AM 0 comments
Again, to the bitch whom it may concern.
and yet,if ur so stubborn.
go bitching urself.
please dont involve anybody else.
dont make this hard for me and hard for urself.
i am capable to hurt u by saying words.
please.dont try me.
i know where to "poke" at the right spot.
(move bitch,get out the way,get out the way bitch,get out the way :- ludacris - move bitch)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:52 AM 0 comments
The Day Earth Stood Still
well,i've read the novel waktu tgh spm dulu.and aku baru je tgk movie tu tadi.donlod aje sudah.dah ada rapidshare premium user kan.buat apa kalau tak jadi deviant.ngahaha
movie ni aku kasi em 8/10 or 8 1/2 per 10.sbb aku rasa cerita ni,org yg degil,batu api,bengap,tak paham bahsa,simply put BODOH mmg takkan faham jalan cerita and message yg cerita ni nak sampaikan.or maybe aku yg bodoh kot.salah interpret.tapi up to the person itself la kan mcm mana nak perceive cerita ni.
from what i understand from this movie,
senang kata,
so,human will change and adept to the nature they belong,and to cover that change,they called it
ladies and gentalman.i'll leave u here.up to u lah nak fikir mcm mana.
cewah mcm ke-ah-nuu reevess pula aku.
Monday, December 15, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:12 AM 2 comments
i am going to ditch some of my history behind.
i am going to forget everything.
and i am going to make a new one
Sunday, December 14, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Berfikir sebelom bertindak.
had to do what you think was right?
that is only reason anybody does anything
take this as example.simple example.
1.Hitler thought people that he's doing other people a favor too by eliminating Jews.
do Hitler doing this because he simply wanna do it or he was told by his friends to do this?
2.Gandhi didn't march the sea because his buddies asked him too.
-ingat si gandhi tu nak ke march the sea sbb kawan2 dia suruh or semata2 nak daptkan undi?
Saturday, December 13, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:55 PM 1 comments
the 3rd day is killing me -__-
Thursday, December 11, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:31 AM 0 comments
hari ini aku sudah mungkir janji.
haihs.aku telah mungkir janji.bukan dgn si dia.bukan dgn sipolan itu dan sipolan ini.tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah dgn diri sendiri.
aku sudah berjanji untuk tidak lagi menyalahgunakan ke"genius"an aku bermain video games.tetapi hari ini ia sudah sampai to the limits.aku mempunyai maruah.dan apabila maruah itu hampir tercemar,aku naik berang lalu aku menghapuskan segala benda yg ada untuk memuaskan hati.
cerita nya begini.aku bermain dota bersama sorang kawan tadi.mari panggil dia ahmy[monk3y] dan aku sedang hostkan satu game.pada mulanya it goes smooth.tetapi ada satu perosak ni,spoiled the mood.the opposite team.
dia goes off killing people in my team and saying things like
"hu teach u play that kind of block jor, wait 10 years more sohai" ---> obviously chinese.
"noob la sentinel feeder"
"u think i will let u go bcoz u invi"
"noob hai"
"melayu diam 7 la"
then he goes rampage killing everybody in my team tetapi tak membunuh aku.and he goes cocky dlm 20-25 minit.team aku sudah gelabah.aku pon merasakan ini takboleh jadi.so aku take in command as leader susun balik team strategy.
so then aku command team.aku inntiate backstab nak bunuh si keparat lahanat ni.at 1st tak dapat.sbb dia suicide so takde sapa bunuh dia.then aku inniate lagi several attacks dgn gang banging.dia mati.
mula2 frag dia 8-3.then dlm masa 2 minit 8-9.then lepas aku siap semua hunting item aku cari la si pukimak cina ni.maka terjadilah dialog seperti di bawah.
*qayyumx has pwn masterpro99 heads for 350 gold*
*KILLING SPREEEE* --> means aku dah bunuh 3 ppl in a row without dying pon
masterpro99 : zzzz
qayyumx : yo!
qayyumx : what
qayyumx : is
qayyumx : up
qayyumx : ???
qayyumx : LMAO
qayyumx : smells like a bit fat ugly pig pudge has died _O_
masterpro99 : diam 7 la sohai.
qayyumx : or it smells like a dead fat bitch here
*qayyumx has pwn masterpro99 head's for 369 gold*
*qayyumx has pwn Ashper head's for 350 gold*
*qayyumx is MEGA KILL* ---> 5 kills in a row without dying
*qayyumx did a DOUBLE KILL* ---> kill 2 ppl in one battle
masterpro99 : wtf
qayyumx : again i smell some dried pussy from a dead bitch?
masterpro99 : cb la u com again lai
qayyumx : the gap between us is...i think like heaven and hell?
masterpro99 : diam 7 la melayu babi
qayyumx : whoa going racist?
qayyumx : _O_ i dont wanna be racist,but then,since u insist,let me shit on ur buddha's head
and see what will he do.
qayyumx : oh dont bother,he will do nothing.just like u.getting pwn so easy.die in merely half
a combo from a taufu bitch like aqasha.
masterpro99 : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
qayyumx : well, NOOB.go up ur lvl 3 more time.im not at 18,ur at 15.pity u
*qayyumx has pwn masterpro99 head's for 560 gold*
masterpro99 has left the game
see la.mcm mana aku tak di rasuk syaitan apabila bermain game.tgk sendiri.aku elok2 diam2 je kan.tak kacau org.dah la chinese,racist,grammar yg bodoh.cakap mix bahsa dia dgn bahsa english.cmon nak sound melayu babi melayu bodoh for what.cmon dude aku dah dekat uni sial.LOL bodoh apa.dia dah takde modal.biasa la.
skarang aku bole cakap mostly 70% kat cc tu semua cina.sekolah tak pegi.diorang asik ingat diorang ni pandai dgn kaye je.serius.tapi tak mcm tu sebenarnya.
these fuckers kuat behind their keyboards je.
habis.end of story.
p/s : replay save game ada tapi tatau cane nak convert.aku tak mahir sangat dlm bidang editing video ni.haihs
Sunday, December 7, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:47 AM 2 comments
Al-fatihah kepada timbalan dekan masscomm,Tuan Hj. Shafie dan junior broadcasting, Mariam. Our deepest condolonces to both family.This is the test from Allah..
We suffer a great loss..and assets in Uitm..and also a friend..
semoga mereka akan ditempatkan didlm golongan yg beriman..amin..
Thursday, December 4, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Huge difference in reality and fairytale. Perceive, percieve.
sebab dah byk jadi. im growing sick of how things goes. benda2 ni suma kita boleh nampak di status2 ym, facebuk, mespes, frenshit (frenster, sorry) even in personal blogs and whatnot. do you ever, by any chance, terfikir on what im going to talk here?
ok first off, THERE IS NO HAPPY ENDING. even the richest and brightest person in the world pon cant find happiness. apsal aku sebut richest dulu? sebab MONEY is everything. dan kenapa brightest comes after richest? sbb by being clever ko akan dapat buat banyak duit.
normal situation macam ni. ko bercinta. la de da du du nikah, probably kahwin. what soon follows is hoisting the burden of being a dad (or a mother) bagi anak2 ko makan. aging. then die.
thats REALITY.
what annoys me is, some ppl expecting a happily ever after. knight in shining armor. Rapunzel dada. or the likes. come on la get a grip.
love is subjective, aku tau. tp the way it wud effect u AND the ppl around you wht matters most. ppl will grow sick of ur childish fairytale-ish stories on how she shud stay with you or making him lying to you just to keep you happy. what the fish? its the other way around, noobies.
Love is all about letting go. if you cant accept the fact, then how u reckon to survive in situations where ure being left alone?
thru observation and experiences (read it or fuck it)
kebanyakan (READ: KEBANYAKAN) lelaki bercinta ntuk sex semata. girls, accept the fact that hes just trying to get into ur pants =/. penuh dengan dengan janji palsu, sweet words dan teddybears. then bila dah kena fuck dan kena tinggal, baru ko tau langit tu tinggi mana. you just got served, bitches!
lecture law aku (en adlan) bagi satu statement. mmg hilarious and menjengkelkan but its the truth.
(generally) Lelaki memang dilahirkan nakal. tapi perempuan yang lembab.
(actully dia sebut 'perempuan yang bodoh' tapi aku tgh berusaha keras ntuk tidak stereotyping)
ko nk gelak? sila. ko nk marah dan flame? try me. but thats the fucking fuck freaking fact.
now for the girls.
kebanyakan (READ: KEBANYAKAN) perempuan bercinta nak lelaki hensem, berduit, berkereta and whatnot. itu normal. kalau aku jadi perempuan pon aku akan cari lelaki hensem berduit berkereta n shits. siapa tanak dimanjakan? ko nak makan pasir lepas kahwin?
yg problem nya diorang ni, (macam lelaki gak la kot) akan simpan melambak spare tyre dan plan B. maksud aku plan B tu orang2 yg akan menjadi bekap kalau 1st bf dia fuck dia dan tinggalkan dia, dan akhirnya dia akan fokus kt bekap dia tu dan most probably ended up kahwin. ITU PROBLEMNYA. siapa yg pernah jadi bekap rasa la kot. aku rasa. do u? (guys)
memana plan B diorang yang baik akan jagela that girl cam tatang dulang yg penuh air (lol) kena pulak nasib tak baik, akan diambil pulak kesempatan. nasib korang (those girls type) la. tp ntuk jenis bekap 1st yg baik itu pulak, aku rasa mmg pity gila la, sebab being a backup plan. how pathetic is that...
so it comes to my conclusion is that, adekah type of girl yg understang (sorry, understanding) wujud lagi ke? dan at certain extent, aku terpk gak, ade ke lelaki yg bercinta bukan dasar sex semata?
well those down to earth ppl mmg exists. ada yg cantik lawa kaya dan tuf hensem kaya. ada juga yg gigi terkeluar, bulat macam tayar steamroll pendek buncit miskin. its just a matter u know them and realized it. tp taleh camni gak, adekah korang akan terima diorang seadanya? (emoticon:wink) kalau tak terima, its your call, your life. tp dont start appreciate when they're gone.
as for me, money comes 1st. get me to choose between a hot young lady+lascivious body+angel's face (yg jatuh cinta kaw2 kat aku) ngan rm 1 juta, i'll choose the 1mill grand. zip. deal sealed.
actly aku nk tulis apsal bebudak skang emo bercinta (as in emosional gila dalam bercinta) tp tah keparit pulak note ni lol. nanti la kot aku merepak (sorry, merepek) lagi. malam ni satu lagu siap, tu dah cukup ntuk menghepikan aku, but crushed by the news of pemergian Timbalan Dekan masscomm ku, En Shafie (along with a jr, maryam (mariam or miriam, not sure) al fatihah. may angels lead them in.
sekian wabilahitaufiqwalhidayah. samekom. salam ukhwah fillah.
*aku tau aku ade carut sana sini dlm note ni lol, lantak.
credits to Hafiz Henshin.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 6:36 AM 2 comments
we're just raindrops
You're no angel too
Let's see if we can find an easy way out
We are just raindrops
falling through the sky
All we do is wait
until the splash
in the end.we're just the same =)
Thursday, November 27, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 10:26 AM 0 comments
dear bitch.
takyah nak bawak org lain bitching and slutting also.
bitch.bitch.and bitch.
need a quick fuck?
p/s :u dont need stupid excuses to go bitching around such as hey its just another ******s,n yadda,yadda,yadda
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Gridion Gang
and i think this movie shud be played free of charge.semua pihak shud take part.as my point of view being a masscommer,to help our fellow criminal minded malaysian,movie ni can be played free of charge,cinemas shud giving away free tickets,stop cari duit.dah banyak dah duit u all companies had.kementerian also shud involved.instead paparkan muka2 ahli politik dekat white-screen yg diorang letak kat taman2.better mainkan this movie.
to the local entertainment industry,please stop producing rubbish.and i think sebagai artis.diorang potray imej.hey criminal also ada their idols tau.if the actors and directors can work their brain and asses out,producing cerita mcm ni,instead of producing rubbish love,comedy and sad stories.better produce and inspiring movie.help our corrupted malaysia to go back to the state where no corruptions,low social and criminals problem rates.
yeah i know i talked a lot.but hey,im giving out ideas.at least,aku tau aku tak mampu nak buat semua tu.so i contribute what i can.ideas.
people.ask urself.what are u gonna be in 4-5 years time.how about ur brothers and sisters.
p/s : im saving for what i can.cuz i'll need them in the future.who knows.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 6:12 AM 0 comments
Happy Birthday !
Happy birthday to some of my friends and family.God bless you.
Happy birthday in advance jugak to several people yg akan menyambutnya.
Nov + Dec people :
Nov 21 - Nabila S (a friend from hometown)
Nov 25 - Atufah (best brother)
Nov 25 - Syera (future cousin)
Nov 30 - Anna Aziera (my ex)
Dec 3 - Afiqahelmiza (crappiest shit load + extra goddamn creative ppl)
Dec 4 - Helwa (=D)
Dec 5 - Amirah (future cousin)
Dec 7 - Tk-san (best brother)
Nah yg guys bole amik yg the beetles punya lagu :
Yg girls amik yg from Gray Worldwide punye :
Monday, November 24, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:53 AM 0 comments
Who will save them?
Dlm setiap layer umur masyarakat di malaysia.Banyak masalah.Personally aku rasa malaysia dah tak boleh di selamatkan.Worst dah.
umur 7-12 = tak sekolah.melepak ntah hape2
umur 12-17 = begadoh sane sini (kecil-kecilan)
umur 17-25 = rempit.mafiarism dunia melayu.gay.lesbo.sedikit aktiviti rompakkan (kecil-kecilan)
umur 25-37++ = jenayah besar/kolar putih.membunuh,merompak bank and so on.
umur 37-70++ = jenayah politik.
kill 1000.save only 1.
p/s : im not planning to stay in malaysia in the future.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:35 AM 1 comments
Hey loot at me.Im officially sumbody =)
hey.lets hear some epic story from untrustworthy me XD :
i didnt have great school moments.
i hang out with the geeks.
i didnt play rugby,
neither the cadets.
or either im not a gangster in the school,
neither famous.
im just a simple me.
qayyum.thats what i am.
yes,im fat
i dont have many friends.
i cant be trusted.
i talk shits and crap.
i dont hide these facts.
so what say u?
in school.i sit infront.
i talk about games,computers and gadgets with my geek friends.
we're labeled as the budak pandai skema in the class.
yet,were always kena bully.
but its okay.
when we,the geeks hangout,
yes we are always with our bag packs,
we dont have all the good looking looks,
either cute girls,
and we dont event know how to groom ourselves,
we dont belong to any social culture grups,
hip hops? punk? skinhead?
we,geeks,still the geek.
we dont do fashions,
we do enjoy ourselves.
again.in school,but this is after the school ends.
we take pictures,
today,when i look into the picture,
i can tell
who become a man,
and who doesnt.
and not to mention who is currently becoming a man.
today.i look back.
and i know,where am i now
like my BM teacher said,
belajar sampai menara gading,
im there cikgu zahrah.
im there.
im now somebody.
finished my small time dip
and undergoing my big time deg.
and im dating the hottest pharmacist/doctor-to-be-in Johor.
hey daddy and mommy.
look at me.
im proud to be ur son.
even u both arent that somebody in ur time.
but please,
look back for urself in me.
i did what u always want me to do.
i did what u both cant accomplish in ur time.
thanks to you both daddy and mommy.
i'll pay back for each and every effort u both done.
i promise.
Saturday, November 22, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:48 AM 2 comments
Lose,bad luck and hard way.
so sbb tu 1st matchup ni sangat tak balanced.ni dia tak draw tau sapa lawan sapa.sapa register nama tros isi.crap.
ok 2nd matchup is my match.guess who was my opponent? toke kedai game sammit (Game Space) bapak hang lah.ni pon agak handicap.dia toke game kot.PS KOTTT.aku lebih to PC.oh well menang yg ni.tapi next round kalah dgn anak dia pulak Chee Loong.haihs.
3rd matchup pun agak handicap.opponent Chee Loong tak datang so dia automatically fwd to next match.hanjeng.
4th matchup ni kengkawan si hafizi ke adik ke abg dia hilmie.boleh la main sikit dari si hafizi.opponent dia noob abis.kimakkan.luck gile babi.
bad luck aku ni.haih harap this comming monday aku dapat lawan yg agak sesuai dgn aku.adios.
p/s : tufah and miftah pls balik on this monday.ada 3 spot kosong lagi.huaaa sifu chow meng aaaa (gaya anak buah wong fei long mintak tolong sifu dia)
Friday, November 21, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:57 AM 1 comments
Less talk is kinda perfect.
Try to think bout this.
"I poke, but i know when and how to poke it at the right spot.Thats why im holding myself back"
so if u ever2 encounter anyone saying like :
1.cakap la.tak marah pun.
2.bg tau je la.lambat laun nanti tau.
3.talk dammit.
p/s : ignore this.
p/s 2 : terasa hati pegi mati.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:38 AM 0 comments
What When Wrong With Us?
Melayu sering di label lupa diri.Juga sering di label dgn pelbagai jenis label.Tapi, pernahkah anda terfikir mengapa, dan di mana silapnya.Saya ambil contoh yg senang.Games.Saya gemar bermain games.Mentality saya boleh di katakan mentaliti gamers Melayu.Bongkak,takbur,dan segala2 yg mazmumah.Tetapi apabila saya bermain games yg server nya based on USA,or selain Malaysia, Singapore, saya telah mempelajari banyak benda.
Saya bermain permainan online yg baru iaitu Fiesta Online.Mmg sukar untuk berjumpa dgn org Asean dlm game ni.Saya player baru di sini.Pelbagai benda saya harus belajar.Dan saya berkenalan dgn beberapa player dari USA,antaranya Cecilia,Sandy dan Brock.Mereka mengajar dan mengajak saya mengenali lebih dalam tentang Fiesta Online.
Ironicnya di sini, saya di layan dgn sangat baik.Walaupun mereka baru sahaja kenal saya,saya di layan bagai adik beradik.Tidak seperti segelitir gamers Melayu, bila kuat,jadi sombong.Berlagak.Di sini, sekuat mana pun org itu, dia tetap akan merendah diri.Bukan sahaja kawan2 yg saya sebutkan tadi, malahan org yg saya baru temui juga adalah sangat baik dan ramah.Saya agak terharu mereka mengadakan donation party tuk membelikan saya equipment2 dan juga membantu saya utk menjadi lebih handal.Saya amat mengagumi sikap player2 foreigner ini.
Walau berperang di party quest map skali pun,tapi bila jumpa di bandar2 org lvling di kawasan off player killing,mereka akan saling bertegur siapa dan tolong menolong.Sangat sukar untuk berjumpa sikap yg begini,professionalism.Jikalau dunia Melayu? Sekali bermusuh,selamanya bermusuh.Saya tergamam melihat perkara sebegini berlaku.
Dan saya berfikir sejenak berkenaan benda ini.Mengapa saya boleh menjadi sangat takbur dgn kebolehan saya,mengapa saya di label sedemikan.Saya sedar,mmg salah saya kerana mempunyai kebolehan sedemikan,tetapi bukan salah saya seorang,lawan saja juga bersalah.Jika saya tidak di provoke sedemikan rupa,ataupun di caci maki,mungkin saya tidak begitu.
Jadi,di sini,saya sedar di mana silapnya pada diri saya.Dan saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk mengubah tabiat buruk ini.Start small,step by step dan saya akan cuba untuk mengaplikasikannya di dalam kehidupan seharian nanti.Bukan sahaja di dalam game.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:20 AM 0 comments
King Of Fighter Maximum Impact II : Regulation A
fuwah besok aku sudah mau compete.cemas.argh.training tak cukup lagi.anyway aku nak praktis lagi.
team A : Soiree,Wild Wolf & K
team B : Soiree,Wild Wolf & Ash Crimson
Sunday, November 16, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Random Tag
The Rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve tagged, and to read your blog.
Random Fact No. 1
Aku seorang computer freak,tech-savvy,gadget man.
Random Fact No. 2
Gila games sampai aku ada n-gage n psp tuk di main.Walaupun di atas motosikal,kalau sempat,pastu mau main juga.Haha
Random Fact No. 3
Amat mengemari Laruku serta Uverworld dan bercita utk ke konsert mereka.
Random fact no. 4
Mempunyai ketahanan badan tuk bermain game sehingga 30 jam ++ tanpa tidur,makan serta rehat.
Random fact no.5
Alah kepada minyak cap kapak,baunya sahaja boleh membuatkan aku migrain.Hadui
Random fact no.6
Mempunyai nilai taakulan yg sangat tinggi dan daya refleks yg sangat tinggi apa bila bermain games.Aku boleh agak apa musuh akan buat,dan juga merancang strategi tuk mengalahkan meraka.Selalu memandang 50 tapak kehadapan ketika bermain game.
Random fact no. 7
Aku suka makan.Tapi aku sangat alergic bila makan kari.Tak kira what sort of kari pun,afta makan mesti demam,di sertai dgn selsema yg menggila
Random fact no. 8
Seorang makhluk norturnal.Tido gelap bangun hari gelap juga.Tak jumpa siang.Hahaha.
Semua kawan2 =D
Thursday, November 13, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Your results:
You are Hulk
| You are a wanderer with amazing strength. ![]() |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:14 PM 0 comments
the worst fear -.- happened
shit.akhirnya kemegahan hard disk aku telah di tewaskan oleh sebuah movie bodoh yg corrupt.
1.8 terra yg penuh dgn pelbagai wonders aku telah corrupt.di paksa tuk reformat semula semua partition tu.terima kasih kepada kawan2 yg gatal tangan tuk mencompress sesetgh files aku dan juga menguncompress files2 itu.uwa.
di mana kan ku cari ganti..movie2 ku T_T
Sunday, November 9, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 6:37 PM 0 comments
stupid malays.go on.
ever been in the situation like this?
"u are doing ur best,in fact, u are the best in what u do,and then,come this stupid little faggot that annoyed with u and ur ability which eventually will annoy u with his/her stupid little faggot minded thinking"
i'll say.fuck the malays.fuck em real good.grow up little motherfuckers.i aint do anything which reveals ur stupidness or that low mentality of urs.stop taking quota's.continue to struggle u little motherfucker.fuck i didnt do anything for fuck sake.dont fuck around with me.accept that the fate that the fact is,u are just another motherfuckin moron.there is always no room for u to hope cuz the hope doesnt exist itself.
bitch,climb to the top.no matter how hard and how often u fall.learn to accept weaknesses.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 6:23 AM 0 comments
tag tag tag tag from raja makan 6B
Every question is referring to one person.
i pick attufah
1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
best buddies for life
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her
* hot headded
* sangat durable
* easy going
* satu kepala
* selalu compete dgn aku sapa bole makan paling banyak haha
3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
too many to list.haha.
4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
big fat bender wannabe.fat ass.lols
5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
oi.gila apa soalan ni.takde2.next
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
dont care,i'll kick,i'll punch and i'll even stare him to death telling that he is my buddy for life.
7. If he/she become your lover, he has to improve on...
kejadahnya.lain2.ni gay ni
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
nope.there wont be one i guess.
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
apasal la soalan semua gayish
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
buddies for life.
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
bajet best,bajet power,poyo,overconfident,doubtfull,eh g mampus la.
12. The character of you for yourself is?
straight foward.funny kot.
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
yeah sumtimes im overconfident over the edge.i hate myself for having sum abilities that others dont.and that
makes me overconfident.
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
myself.hate others.
15. For the people who likes you, say something about them
thanks =)
16. Ten people to tag:
sila2 jawab
1. Attufah
2. Helwa
3. Abe Roe
4. Keen
5. Mel
6. Luqa
7. Nabila Saat
8. Dayana
9. Tk-San
10. sesape je yg membace.
17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
me.im hers.
18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
Male.My elder brother,best buddy from Uitm.a goodlistener to me.problem solver =D
19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
alamak tatau la.sbb nombo 10 tu cud be anybody.
20. How about no. 5 and 8?
dedua awek.both are good friend of mine =)
21. What is no. 1 studying about?
law student
22. Is no. 4 single?
ye la kot.tatau.tak tanye.nnt kang tanye.
23. Say something about no. 6
a very,very good friend of mine.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:58 AM 0 comments
lets go home.
I've got my memories
They're always
Inside of me
But I can't go back
Back to how it was
I believe in now
I've come too far
No I can't go back
Back to how it was
Created for a place
I've never known
This is home
Now I'm finally
Where I belong
Where I belong
Yeah, this is home
I've been searching
For a place of my own
Now I've found it
Maybe this is home
Yeah, this is home
Belief over misery
I've seen the enemy
And I won't go back
Back to how it was
And I got my heart
Set on
What happens next
I got my eyes wide
It's not over yet
We are miracles
And we're not alone
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 11:59 AM 0 comments
muhasabah diri
Saturday, November 1, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:22 AM 0 comments
rase cam nak tendang org tapi org tu jauh.pakai santau ok tak?
aku rase cam urgh geli ah dgn sorang mamat ni.kadang rase nak tendang je kepala otak dia.kalau tak salah sorang dari kite org ni mampus,selagi tu aku tak puas hati kot.aku tatau la kalau kau kate aku gila ke hape ke tapi cara dia tu buat aku rase nak tendang kepala dia secukup rasa.
tatau la cara dia mmg camtu ke hape ke tapi aku cam geli ah.ni suku sakat bahse gedik gak cam jew kew lew n so on.tapi ni advance skit.dia bawak abstrak gedik tu ke dalam ayat.contoh nye.
dan etc²
Thursday, October 30, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 1:21 AM 1 comments
7 way to get or 7 sign of he/she is having an affair.
This is how to get.
1.look2. - usha line
2.ask his/her num - try mintak number la kan for the next step.
3.date w/friends - dating ramai2 dulu.keluar ramai2.
4.date w/her/his only - bile dah selesa mula la keluar berdeduaan.
5.smsing - dah ada nombo,keluar sesame pun dah.apa lagi cucuk la jarum.
6.calling - takkan sms je.calling la tuk eratkan lagi.
7.date again - mesti nak modal kan?
8.4&5 again - ulangi step ini tuk kepastian.
9.crushed. - for sure lah jatuh cintan wa cakap lu.This is how u determine she/he is having affair.
1.look2. - biase la memula kenal.she/he usha mangsa
2.ask his/her num - try mintak number.tak dapat try tanye kengkawan mangsa
3.date w/friends - try keluar ramai2.tgk reaksi.amacam ok tak
4.date w/her/his only - test power.dia melayan ke tak.kalau tak bertepuk sebelah tangan,step ini tak jadi
5.smsing - ok kalau on,dedua tangan tepuk,bole pegi sms lak.tanam ayat.
6.calling - kalau dah tanam ayat takkan tanak petik buah.
7.date again - ni la masa nak rasa manisnya buah kan kan.
8.4&5 again - masooook la.
9.crushed - bye bye.mangsa sudah di sebat org.
1.get in.
3.get out.
Sunday, October 26, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:37 AM 1 comments
Anti Depressants
An antidepressant is a psychiatric medication used for alleviating major depression or dysthymia ('milder' depression). Drug groups known as MAOIs, tricyclics, and second-generation antidepressants such as SSRIs are particularly associated with the term. These medications are now amongst the drugs most commonly prescribed by psychiatrists and other physicians, and their effectiveness and adverse effects are the subject of many studies and competing claims.
Most antidepressants have a delayed onset of action and are usually taken over the course of weeks, months, or sometimes years. They are generally considered distinct from stimulants, and drugs used for an immediate euphoric effect only are not generally considered antidepressants. Despite the name, antidepressants are often used in the treatment of other conditions, including anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and chronic pain. Some have also become known as lifestyle drugs or "mood brighteners".
I was treated by Valium/benzodiazepine last night.i bleed my nose and ears.guess from having too much stress and depression.And i was suffering from back pain, muscle and joint pains.
Valium is used for the management of anxiety disorders or for the short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety. Valium may also be used to relieve agitation, shakiness, and relieve certain types of muscle spasms. It may also be used to treat seizures, insomnia, and other conditions.
Cool huh, im going to be a mad man if these kind of things keeps going on.Pity me.Haha.
Saturday, October 25, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:29 AM 0 comments
Jom kawin yang?
cis.kene tag chadachada pule.menjawab tag ini dgn mengigil2,serta sakit belakang yg sangat sakit,tambahan pula batuk tidak berhenti2.aduh salihaa
1.How old are you?
2. Are you single?
3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now??
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
er..let bygones be bygones
6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
er ni semua tiada dalam pilihan.tapi for sure arabian style -.-
7. Your ideal motif?
tak geti la kawin2 ni.i'll ask my mak and macik2 and all of the old-timer
8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
she wanted paris,i wanted amsterdam.tatau la.last2 pegi langkawi saje la kot
9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
close friends only.
10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
simple aje.kawin kampung sudah.tayah nak grand2.membazir je bagi org makan.baik aku makan sendiri
11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
er tatau adat org arab kawin cane.
12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
er aku tak berapa gemar kek.so ada ke takde ke tak kesah
13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
hotel eh..hmm in consideration.
14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
pagi la kot.petang bole bantai tido jap.malam bole buat keje.haha!
15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
er tatau.tak penah tgk org arab kawin cane.LOLOL
16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
tatau.ask my mak,my macik and the oldies
18. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
joget lambak song,kompang di paluuuuuu pengantin baruuuu.parap parap.haha
20. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
terang2 je.bakpe nak gelap2
21. What age do you want to get married?
26-27 kot bengap
22. Describe your ideal husband/wife
tatau.kau g tanya sendiri tuan punya badan.ada tu kat list of bloggers.
23. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
kalau handal guna kaki.kalau manusia biasa sudu garpu dgn tangan la ye.
24. Champagne or red wine?
ni semua after party ok.hahaha.youngsters only.org tua2 taleh.
25. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
kompol duit dulu belauu.
26. Money or household item?
handheld gadgets and computers can i?
27. Who will pay for the bills?
share la kot.
28. Are you ready for married life?
er tak.serius tak.tgk kawan aku yg 3 org kawin tu pon cam kelam kabut pon.
29. Do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
er no answer.
30. Will u always be true to your wife/husband?
yup.i am.skarang pun setia je.tatau la sebaliknya.
31. How many kids do u like?
dia nak 7.kononnya team futsal -.-
32. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
jimat kos dulu.rumah mak bapak aku tu cukup besar nak sumbat lagi 5 org.haha.
33. Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
hape mende ni.kapirun laknatullah
34. What kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
aku selalu pk nak kasi org makan steak,dah penah bet pon dgn bambang pasal ni.aku rasa aku nak buat kelainan.haha.tapi nasik minyak sure ada la kot.
35. Will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
yup.duh aku kan editor.mesti la.
36. Whose wedding plans would you like to know next??? Choose 5 person.
to those kawan2 yg menulis blog.nak tau gak imaginasi korang.haha.
Thursday, October 23, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 1:23 AM 2 comments
finally,semua pun sudah sampai ke penghujung.hari isnin lepas baru habis presentation COM 363 yg penuh drama,kontroversi serta konfrontasi.BBM juga pun sudah habis,final pun sudah lepas.
tak sangka sem ni sangat stressing,sangat drama la sem ni.mcm cite melayu dah.konflik.banyak sangat,personal,munculnya org "ketiga",against corrupted community,FOS.etc².semuanya aku tackle 1 per 1.
those semua yg tak elok la.and lepas aku go thru semua ni aku discover banyak advantage yg aku tak penah tau pasal diri sendiri + disadvantage.aku rasa slogan "malaysia sebuah negara demokrasi serta semua org boleh bercakap" ini sepatutnya di letakkan di dalam term F.B.F.S.
now semua pon dah habis,tinggal 1 paper je lagi on 4th Nov.still ada 12 hari free.dunno what to do.
im currently suffering drawbacks from being so stressed,depressed,tiredness,fatigue,heart-broken,bankrupt.having a major fever,asskicking migrain,and muscle + joint ache.argh dah dua hari.and im taking anti-depressant,muscle relaxant shots,prosstone for migrain,salonplast for the joint and muscle pain and fever and sinus antibiotics -.-
what a lab rat.a pain in the ass.tak penah aku selesu ni dalam masa 3 taun,uhh.
anyway semua pun dah habis,yg dah lepas tu lepas la.dah taleh nak buat apa.tade hal la nak masam2 muka ke apa ke.tapi ingat,sepanjang aku kat masscommunication ni,aku tak penah mintak tolong sapa2.ingat tu.sapa cari sapa tuk mintak tolong tu pun haruslah di ingati.aku pun selama ni sorang2 je.so ada ke takde ke korang tak luak sikit pon.
dah ok? settled dah.tatau la kalau ada sesetgh pihak rasa tak settled lagi.to me dah habis dah.
cuti sem dah dekat.4 hb.have fun people.good luck for next sem.see u again next time.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:19 PM 1 comments
delicate and desire.
We might kiss when we are alone
When nobody's watching
I might take you home
We might make out when nobody's there
It's not that we're scared
It's just that it's delicate
So why'd you fill my sorrows
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've known?
And why'd you sing i love you
If it means nothin' to ya?
Why'd you sing with me at all?
With no secrets, no obsession
This time I am speeding with no direction
Without a reason, what is this fire?
Burning slowly, my one and only
Umm desire, desire, desire, desire
You know me, you know my way
You just can't show me, but God I'm praying
That you'll find me, and that you'll see me,
And that you'll run and never tire
Umm desire, desire, desire, desire
kudos for Damien Rice.
kudos for Ryan Adams.
kudos for Dr.House.
Monday, October 20, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 11:52 AM 0 comments
melindungi dan di lindungi serta rasionalnya lelaki sebagai khalifah di bumi allah.
adalah sudah menjadi lumrah bagi binatang.ataupun manusia.ataupun apa pun jenis makhluk yg mempunyai otak untuk menpunyai fungsi otak yg sangat mudah iaitu untuk melindungi.
contoh terdekat.anda membela tiga ekor kucing.dan mempunyai 3 jenis bekas makanan.apa akan jadi sekiranya satu daripada tiga bekas makanan itu di buang.dan kucing itu di beri makan dgn 2 lagi bekas yg tertinggal.anda pun sudah pasti tahu apa jawapannya.pasti akan berebut bukan? kemungkinan akan bercakar sesama sendiri pun adalah tinggi.
kucing yg tidak mempunyai akal itu pun tahu untuk melindungi haknya.apakan lagi kita sebagai manusia.mempunyai akal fikiran serta keupayaan yg jauh lebih sofistikated dari pemikiran seorang kucing.
apakah perasaan anda apabila barang anda di usik dan di cerobohi.apakan lagi di rampas.tak melawan? tak bersuara? jangan bohong.
di sini.saya ingin mengatakan bahawa hak saya dan milik saya telah cuba di cerobohi dan hak saya itu telah saya cuba lindungi.puas saya memberi pelbagai alasan dan juga situasi malahan juga contoh.tetapi hak itu juga sendiri mempunyai akal dan fikiran sebagaimana juga saya.setiap kata saya di bantah.dan org yg cuba merampas hak saya itu sebenarnya tiada apa2 kaitan pun dgn hak saya itu.bukan classmate.bukan groupmate.bukan apa pun cumalah kenalan.saya sendiri tidak dapat melakukan apa yg mereka lakukan,adakah itu sangat adil bagi saya.adil kah semua itu.itu hak saya.bukan hak kamu.saya pun tidak dapat semua itu tetapi adilkah bagi kamu tuk mendapat hak saya itu.saya bukan tidak percaya kepada hak saya.saya cuma mahukan keadilan.
saya juga boleh bertindak seperti binatang jikalau keadaan memaksa.tetapi itu bukan resmi manusia.itu perangai binatang buas atau syaitan.hanya makhluk seperti ini yg akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk melindungi hak mereka.nasib baiklah saya ini manusia.saya mempunyai naluri yg asas dan juga akal pemikiran seperti seorang manusia yg bertindak secara rasional.
inilah tujuannya allah mencipta lelaki sebagai khalifah di muka bumi.tidak perempuan.lelaki ini rasional.perempuan tidak.mereka mengikut perasaan.sebagai contoh.sepasang suami isteri yg meraikan hari raya.
apabila tiba hari raya.kaum wanita pastu mahukan semua benda baru.walaupun benda itu baru di belinya sehari,seminggu,sebulan mahupun bertaun2.tetapi bagi kaum lelaki.cukuplah sekadar ada baju baru.paling tidakpun,baju melayu tahun yg lepas2.
tidakkah anda nampak rasionalnya di sini? kita tidak melibatkan soal kaya atau pun miskin.kita melibatkan konteks pemikiran dan pengaruh emosi di dalam kedua2 jantina.saya tau konteks penulisan saya ini tidak ada kaitan pun dgn topik yg sebenarnya ingin saya sampaikan.
saya mahukan keadilan dan jawapan.dan berdasarkan alasan yg saya kemukakan di atas.saya ingin sekali mendapatkan jawapan daripada org yg saya tujukan ini.di manakah keadilannya untuk saya.org itu bukan classmate,bukan groupmate,bukan advisor,bukan ahli persatuan,dan berkemungkinan tidak ada apa2 kaitan pun.cukuplah hanya menjadi kenalan.mengapa ingin lebih.sedangkan saya sendiri tidak dapat peluang untuk berbuat begitu.saya faham kalau kenalan itu adalah classmate dan sebagainya.tapi ini hanyalah kenalan.cukuplah di medium2 tertentu.tidak perlulah bersua muka.
-saya yg mencari jawapan-
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Pertandingan Bercerita Paling Malang.
alkisah.di mana suatu tempat.ada seorang lelaki bersama Samad.dan kekasih hatinya bernama Melinda.di kolej Samad,ada sebuah majlis tari menari semperna kejayaan Samad menjadi graduan yg sah.Samad juga merupakan seorang AJK/Penolong Biro di dalam majlis itu.Samad adalah seorang yg sangat creative.dia menjalankan tugasnya dgn harapan kekasih hatinya itu kagum dgn dirinya ketika menghadiri majlis itu.jadi,Samad pun menghias secantik2nya segala2.dari tiket masuk,ke poster,sehinggalah ke screen saver majlis itu.Samad juga telah membelikan tiket dan memberi tahu kekasih hatinya berkenaan majlis itu.hari demi hari Samad bertungkus lumus berusaha demi majlis itu.pelbagai halangan yg di tempuhinya.pelbagai masalah,dgn kawan2,dgn pengarah projek,sehinggakan Samad demam 2-3 kali dan juga telah terlepas beberapa test dan memonteng class memerah otak demi acara itu.
dan selang sehari seblum majils tari menari yg gilang gemilang itu,Melinda tidak dapat hadir ke majlis itu,maka Samad agak kecewa.kemudian,dia juga telah di tinggalkan kawan2 nya.namanya tidak ada di dalam senarai table classmate.maka Samad pun telah menghadiri majlis di mana dia sendiri yg memberi ucapan,anugerah,serta menyanyi.dia telah melalukan semua itu di mana malam itu sebenarnya merupakan malam yg di usahakan utk menyedihkan hatinya.pilu hati Samad.sudah la itu,majlis itu mempunyai sambutan yg negatif,Samad juga terpaksa mengemas tempat berkenaan,di marahi lecturer,juga di cemuh kawan2.
Samad pulang kerumah dgn hati yg hampa,luka,kecewa,penat.bercampur baur perasaannya.hanya tuhan yg tahu.dia pulang ke rumah pada pukul 1 petang.dan terus tidor.jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 7.56 malam.Samad terus mencapai telefon bimbitnya.Samad terus membelek pesanan ringkas.ada 5.3 daripada class mate.1 daripada maxis.dan 1 daripada sahabatnya yg belajar sama tempat dgn Melinda.ayatnya berbunyi..
"mad,tadi aku kan mcm nampak buah hati kau makan dgn org.aku tak jelas sangat tapi aku rasa aku kenal buah hati kau.dia makan dgn senior dia"
Samad baru sahaja ingin berkunjung ke tempat Melinda pada hujung minggu ini untuk memujuk hatinya yg sudah lama menanggung luka..tetapi..
Hati Samad lansung rapuh.berkecai.tidak tergambar bertapa sedihnya,kecewanya Samad.sudahlah penatnya,kecewanya,kesedihannya yg semalam tidak lagi hilang.di tambahkan lagi dgn ini.Samad hilang arah.di amuknya satu bilik.di tumbuknya pelbagai sudut.tapi syaitan di dalam hati tidak dapat di lepaskan sama skali.Samad meraung sekuat hati.apakah Melinda sudah hilang akal dan pemikirannya.tidakkah dia sedar akan perasaaan Samad.sudahlah kantol.org kata,paling pukimak pun tinggalkanlah msg.walaupun tido mcm mana skali pun.tak pun telefon je sampai bangun.pedulik hapakan.nak buat salah.bagi lah tau.kasihan Samad.bagai jatuh di timpa tangga.sudahlah kakinya itu sudah cacat tidak berderia rasa..di malam graduasinya pula..aduhai Samad..sabarlah nak..dunia..
Monday, October 13, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 6:17 AM 4 comments
express urself within 25 word limit
Saturday, October 11, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:12 AM 0 comments
Urrgghh nak PS 3 pelis.
Akhirnya dapat gak merasa main Devil May Cry 4.Walaupun tak dapat main guna PS 3,guna pc pon jadi lah labu.PS 3 ujung taun nak keluar Tekken 6,Resident Evil 5,Silent Hill : Origins Pt 2.Uwaa banyak.Nak PS 3.Keje2!.Kamon beli PS 3 sebjik.Tufah dah keluar Wii.Celaka.Dia mesti a step ahead from aku.Aku tak abis2 duk upgred pc.Rasa pc aku sebijik ni dah lebih harga PS 3 dgn TV.Lols.
Masalahnye pulak dah install DMC 4 tapi takde mase nak main + takde joypad.Ada satu joypad berkenan di hati tapi RM 109 lak logitech punya.Tapi duit dah terbeli memory stick baru.Aiseh.Banyak seh bli dvd games tapi tak sempat2 nak main.
Aku ingat balik sini dada dah lapang.Rupenye -.-'' haram.Drama on 17/10.Sepatah haram tak prepare.Exam lak starts 4/11.Hadui presentation from 20-24/10.Pecah kepala.Satu hari satu present.Report dah siap.Tapi part aku yg tak siap.Haduii.
Well.Aku berasa agak kecewa dgn beberapa perkara kebelakangan ini.Sangat kecewa.Sampaikan nak marah pun aku dah tak berasa marah lagi.Mcm dah takde feeeling lansung.Aish.Not fun anymore.Im looking forward for this comming semester break since aku dah listkan things that i wanna do.I think im going anti-social.Less talk.Less lepak.Less meeting people.I dont want people to ask me where am i,what im doing,telling me to go lepak and so on.I think i need to be alone for awhile.So please.Respect this.I think i deserve some quality time with myself and spend it with a relaxed mind.
Well,selamat hari raya people.I did enjoy a bit during these raya (altho i sleep most of the time and wake up realising there is sampul duit raya besides me) haha.1st raya afta i went to my grandfather house then i went back home sleeping.LOLS.Afta that go back jb then sleep lagi on 2nd raya,3rd raya.LOLS.BTW im sick of the television programmes.Semua nak main cite sedih,keinsafan.Duhhh.My ass sedih.My ass keinsafan.Pagi raya tu je kau insaf.Pegi kubur atuk ke nenek ke parents ke.Nangis la tuk 2 jam.Then mcm sial balik perangai.Pastu kat tv bole manjang cite sedih + nangis.Better panggil hari raya ni selamat hari menangis dan insaf.Cmon.Sikit2 suda.Tayah hipokrit.Pagi tu je mintak maaf dgn parents.Pastu 2-3 jam bwat la balik perangai.Kan kan? Taknak ngaku? Fuck off.Kau bukan dewa,hati pun tak di bersihkan.Blah la weh.
Orite.Till then.Hey.Fellows.Do come to UiTM Foyer/HEP on 17/10.Im in the drama CO.LOLS.Altho i dont have any dialog.But the appreance is important.BTW its free.Cmon and support me XD.
Thursday, October 9, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:14 AM 0 comments
mengeluh dgn berkata.. "oh shit"
Sunday, October 5, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 1:47 AM 1 comments
Selamat Hari Raya.
Selamat Hari Raya,Maaf Zahir Dan Batin.
tulus ikhlas.dari saya.
salah dan silap harap di maafkan.
Thursday, September 25, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Bozell Worldwide.
Yo.Today,lets skip the emotional part okay? Move on,life is like a series of room.Today u stuck with that person and tomorrow u'll stuck with another person.One day,one room.Nuff said.
I went to Kelana Jaya do to a simple but noooot that simple research for the professional project paper.So we decided to pursue one of the prominent Print Advertiser in Malaysia which is Bozell Worldwide.The team consists of 4 individuals which is Marlina the boss,Cik Ah the secretary,Pork Yeah the camera/video&audio guy and i the designer/creative director.Yes we're 4 people Miss ****,not 5,and we didnt think that were so weak without Abe Roe with us cuz were stronger than u think Miss ****.Yes we didnt know how to speak english fluently like u do and we dont have an accent like u do Miss ****.Oh i dont give a damn fuck to ur Ireland slangs n so.Or Scottish can kiss my arse goodbye.Fuck you and ur seniors work.Piece of shit.Ops sorry cuz being emotional.I hate when people talk about Abe Roe.They think without Abe Roe,we cudnt survive.Hell no.Abe Roe also takes us as his biggest enemy now,FYI Miss ****.
So our topic is a bout "Print Advertisment,is it worth,expensive and how does the impact towards people" Only 2 groups dare to proceed with advertising.And i wanna seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee how Miss **** do with that Phucking Rapeshiiit (PR) projects.
In advertising,all i can say is money,money,money(Donald Trump's theme song).U did this = money.That money.The simple work is just to take a pen,jolt down a simple tagline for example :
Product : Miss **** Babi Doll Figure.
Tagline : Buy me and i'll be ur whore forever.
The tagline here,is paid by hourly.On the AAAA's rate (advertisers associate article blah3),1 hour of brainstorming cost 285 for the comercial media and 411 on non-comercial media.WHOAAA.MONEY RULES.If u take more time,the more creative tagline will prompt,means MORE MONEHHHHH.FYI copywriter is the easiest job.Mcm tukang buat kopi LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.Apa tah lagi designers,photographers,creative and art director.Satu jam brainstorm tapi takde hasil kau tgk bape banyak duit bole bwat.LOLOL were are richer from doctors perhaps.Doctors perhaps, will run out of patients but the world will never run out of product and services.Ni blom kira yg TVC,baru print ad sahaja.
Oh the findings n the outcome of the interview tabole kasi tau.Karang ada parasitisma + plagraism berlaku.Bahaya.So based on our case,we can conclude.
1.The more u(client) spend,the more u'll get(advertiser).
2.Eventho expensive or cheap,the impact are beyond the imaginary.(ad yg mana sucks org ingat,yg mana top pon org still ingat.)
Btw company yg kiteorg approach ni agak besar gak peranan,diorang handle Volvo,Dumex,Astro's Bolos,Naza,Toyota,blahblahblahblah..
Okie im done with the jakunese attitude.Here's the sneak preak =DDD
Okay.Im done with tonssss of assignments and series of test.Jom balik kampong.Uwa tapi tak bli tiket.Sure dah abis.Sedang memikir cara balik ke kampung.Koteh sungguh.Anybody,ada kosong? aku nak tumpang pls.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 8:15 PM 0 comments
I left u a secret code.Decode it.Ur way too smart.
i didnt meant to treat u like that.DO
im writing the code so u dont have to wonder what do to.
yes.i admit.im sad and devastated after i know u cudnt come
em.haiz.imjust being me.an empty soul which needed to be fill in.
what to do.ur a caged bird.
threw the ticket away so im not hurt anymore.
i think i overdo myself.
and im done fighting.
figure this out.
and maybe ?
cure me.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:16 AM 0 comments