Lokman -.- buli aku.

Oleh kerane di tag lokman,aku terpakse menjawab soalan tagnye -.-

The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.

Eight random facts about myself:

1. Saye mempunyai tabiat memakai snow cap (sbb nak kover rambut yg dah mcm sarang tebuan XD)

2. Saye benci lauk org sakit (kicap,singgang dan sop ikan serta sayur air sbb rasenye mcm crap)

3. Saye berpendapat bahawa Osama Bin Laden serta sekutunye adelah GENIUS dgn mencipta human bomb/terrorist yg bole meletop tu.

4. Saye obses dgn online games dan benci online games yg sangat kiut serta berpendapat GM adelah sangat bodoh dan tak tau how game mechanics works.contoh terdekat mcm piratekingonline.GM nye sangat bodoh mcm basikal rosak -.- (mcm RO/maple story)

5. Berbakat bermain bowling tetapi tidak mengasah bakat dan terlalu malas untuk bermain.

6. Saye adelah champion tennis MSSC danMSSD sewaktu sekolah rendah (izzah kau diam kalau kau bace)

7. Berpendapat bahawa diri sendiri adelah genius gamer/power lvler.Sbb setiap kali bermain game saye hanye perlukan 30 menet tuk pergi ke lvl 20 dan 5 hari tuk ke lvl 60++ (ke aku game freak?)

8. Amat membenci indonesia,vietnam,philipphines dan juga gamers dari 3rd world country kerane mereka amat bodoh,bangang,bahalol,sialan,lahanat,slutting for money,begger and berharap agar mereka di turunkan bala serta malapetaka umpamanya seperti tsunami,tornado,puting beliung,gunung berapi serta gempa bumi untuk menyedarkan mereka bahawa mereka itu sangat miskin,nisbah duitnye RM 1:1000 duit mereka.Belaja la bodoh.benti main game tolong negara kau maju sial.At least aku dah ade diploma n negare aku da di considerate as negara maju.Bodoh punye indo,ph,vietnam yadda3.

TAG #2
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question to make it a total of 20 questions.

1. What is your hobby?
Games,graphic and guitar.3G

2. How do you feel about racism?
Racism? Kalau perlu saye akan mula memprotest serta akan memulakan propaganda serta pergaduhan perkauman untuk mencapai objektif (gyahhahaha)

3. What are you afraid to lose now?
Helwa b Abad.

4. Do you believe in being in love forever?
Ye la kot.Sbb mostly cite dalam movie : they live happily ever after..

5. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Dah.Sampaikan kat warong pon kalau ade awek cantik yg amek oder mesti aku tanye nombo tepon (sialan anep aku dah terikut perangai kau)

6. What would you do when you're feeling down and depressed?
Menjadi freak.Mendengar mp3 serta bermain FPS tembak org.Walaupon org tu da mati saye akan terus menembak dan bergelak ketawe.Kalau da takbole control saye akan menumbuk pintu sehingga puas hati.

7. Which type of person do you hate the most?
El Khalifah.Saye berlaku jujur.

8. Do you cherish every single of your friendships?
Yes.And i hope one of my bestfren to change.Ni bukan zaman sekolah menengah lagi.Sebagai peringatan.Dunia luar sane lagi besar my young friend.

9. Do you believe in God?
-.- kau bodoh.Mesti la aku percaye

10. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Graduation.Having a goodlife.Dont mind being poor or rich as long as its good.

11. Do you find it necessary for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
For the moment yes.Because i wanna share my happiness with somebody of course.Penah denga tak saying mcm ni "Every great man,behind him there is a great women."

12. What do you want your friends to be like?
Jadi org.Jgn macam segelintir kawan2 yg lain seperti sudah hilang arah tujuan hidup.

13. What kind of friend do you hope to be in your friends' eyes?
One of their brothers.The one yg mereka bole rely and hope for help.And everything perhaps.

14. If you can have a change, which part of your character would you like to change?
Ade.Alter ego aku bila aku sentuh online games.I hate the darkside.Makes people hate me.Supervillain selalunya aku.Haih cane org nak pandang aku tinggi kalau aku jahat? Ade status legend pon but nobody respects me.I dont wanna be a type of that kind of LEGEND

15. Would you die in order to save the ones you love?
Yes.Bodoh hape? Kalau dia nak tikam org yg kau sayang at least kalau tak mampu nak lawan jadi human shield la bodoh.

16. What would you do if you've lost everything in one shot?
Saye pernah mengalami saat ini.Hilang markah,hilang Helwa dan hilang kesemua files di dalam comp serta di backstab kawan2.Ia membuatkan saye berfikir 2 hari tanpa makan minum serta selebihnya.Dan hari ke 3 i'll start back from a scratch.Saye senang move on.Bukan mcm segelintir org yg hanye tau weeping and crying.I am not a cry baby.

17. What would u do if your 'friends' are not really your friends anymore?
Move on.Just another pile of shit.Skarang kawan pon bole beli dgn duit.Ape ade hal.

18. What do you see yourself as in the next 5 years?
Seorang mentor (game) kepade anak saye sendiri.Khkahkahkaha.Dan menjadi editor di salah sebuah syarikat penerbitan/iklan harapnya di samping seorang doktor sebagai isteri XD haha

19. When do u think is the best time for you to set up a family?
Pade umur 28 tahun.Habis degree umor 23 dan seterusnya bekerja selama 5 taun mengumpul duit utk membeli rumah dan kereta serta mas kawin.Seterusnya kawin dan bwat anak.Sekian makan kasut.

20. If you are allowed to kick one person, without any possible repercussions whatsoever, either under civil or criminal law; who would that idiot be?
Enixism/apis mamod (apasal kau dah noob bermain dota lahanat.kau kan other half aku sial.skarang aku kene blaja tuk kover diri sendiri sbb selalu kau koverkan aku.aku lak jadi tanker tuk kau.sialan skarang aku kene bwat semua keje sorang2 -.- we are so invincible kalau bersame2 kau tak ingat ke kite pukul 5 org main 3 lane T_T)

nak tag : Helwa,Kartini,Keen,Abe Roe dan juga Daud.