not so lengthy post.

last week was hellish. not so busy but im kinda involved in a lot of things. from helping a friend going to her hardest moment of losing his other half, and me losing a very good friend from uniten era to pissed everybody of with my uncontrollable rage towards things. things that i wish, i could explain. things what i wish i could write and make u understand. but basically, we all, manage to go thru that one hell of a kind of week. 

i am so sorry for my actions and behavior. i know i am very hot-headed and very ego-maniac at times. i really lost it that time. due to the nature that i am..always right everytime..


malas nak type panjang2. tangan tgh kebas sebab sejuk hari ujan. tak properly healed lagi pun tangan aku ni saded 

 thank you mimi for the satey treat. this is all i had now. my boys. the boys.

the boys. suka betul dapat satey. they fight they have dispute but they are still brothers from another mother. 

and that night i am the 1st who manage to complete Shisha Kepala Bana customer loyalty card. yay!

front design of the card


jadi tikus putih merasa brownies dia buat. sedap. siyes. cuma kena bake lama sikit so biar krunchy sikit. and later that night i went to watch UM Mock Trial with those people who matters the most - jerol kalap bell farmi tekk jeeva and kinda funny sebab bae semua orang bail last minute. bae farmi je datang. rasa loser la sebab farmi pon dah ada bae sekarang. kah kah kah. oh ya din manjong came and we have a very good time. me and jerol dah make up semua. catching up and the bad news came late night. i have to work tmr morning. esoknya mak datang nak tgk kawan dia kat hospital n din pun tumpang tido. rasa cam adei apa la aku suruh orang dtg rumah tapi aku takde.


i was force to come to work in shalam (which is not a very bad day pun actually). rupanya ada event depavali and pasar tani. walaweiii banyak betul jelitawan yg datang sini pepagi memberikan senyuman semanis suria wuuu. dan terus bertukar dari pasar tani ke hari jelitawaan shalam. kahkahkah. and dalam kerja tak ikhlas tu. adalah sorang self proclaimed jelitawan ni ajak pegi bekfest. cool down la jugak pagi tu takde la marah2.

cas-cas jelitawan tapi tak mandi pagi. kakakaka
