Mentaliti Kebodohan Budak Uitm.

Last week.Aku busy shooting and so on.Agak stress la.Tapi ade segolongan manusia ni yg ++++ kan lagi kesengsaraan//stress/tensionness aku.Dunno why they are so freaking dumbfuck.Ingat senang gaknye.Action depan camera maybe pade diorang tak susah,but when it comes to editing,no matter kau kawan baik pun akan bertumbuk jugak.Serius.Tak tipu kau.Aku tau la sbb aku da bape lame menjadi editor.Eventho not the best editor so far,but i know how does it works okay,u dumbfuck//dumbhead dunno how it would affects ur senses,ur cognitive and mental so much.Okay heres go the story behind it:

"Rabu lepas afta shooting,aku dgn abe roe has come to the editing part.So before start editing we review balik the clip nak pilih mane good,no good dgn kiv.Then waktu tgh review ni datang la sorang dumbfuck ni.Refer dia as dumbfuck 1.Dia tgk then gelak2.Ajuk2 character aku in the vid.At 1st im okay sbb biase la kot,jokes.Then da gelak2 comes another dumbfuck.We can conclude him as dumbfuck 2.Nvm la i said just go thu the vids so nnt senang nak edit.They both keep on mimic and laughing out loud till came 2 more dumbfucks yet we can refer them as dumbfuck 3 and dumbfuck 4.Im starting to get irritated bcoz yeah i know i dont have the looks,i cant act infort of the cam and thats the best i can do for now,they laugh and make fun of me,yelah kalau gurau pon u shud stop when u saw ur object-funny-make da lain macam kan,u know u shud stop,but yet i dunno whats going on in their minds.They dont know the will do the same thing as i do.Perlakuan ke empat2 dumbfuck ni mengundang kemarahan dan juge emosi aku.Abe roe chill me down.Those dumbfuck takbrani nak comments on abe roe bcoz abe roe is one of the prominent newcomers in the broadcasting journalist in being pengacara tv and so on.So then aku before aku pegi mandi aku berkate2 dgn lantang.

pasni kalau nak mintak tolong ke ape mende ke sumpah dgn nama ALLAH aku takkan tolong.dan akan aku layan korang semua dgn hina

Cmon dumbfucks,sedar la diri sikit.U dont have any quality.Seriusly aku tau la kot.Aku serumah dgn these dumbfucks for like 4 semester.Proposal yg senang tu pon nak tiru.Aku saje kasi proposal yg salah tuk diorang tiru pon still tak dapat detect.Nape la bodoh sangat.Keje nak senang,rasekan la dumbfucks.They dont have the quality and the ability sebagai seorang masscommer.Ape tah lagi dlm bidang editing.All their work are based on myworks for about 6 semester.Photoshop = bodoh.Macromedia Flash = lagi la bodoh nak mampos.Summary writing dgn proposal = masyallah..ape la bodoh benar org mcm ni.Quit je la UiTM ni.Ok stop.Tayah nak ejek org ye qayyum kau ni pon bukan la hebat benar.

Okay next then lepas mandi,aku keluar je bilik air,dumbfuck 1 tunggu aku depan bilik air dan bertanye "ade pendrive tak?" So aku dgn tanpe memikir panjang "PEGI LA BELI SIAL".Dia pandang muke aku dan blah masuk ke bilik dan rasenye dia say sumthing dgn dumbfuck 4.From that day dumbfuck 4 tidak lagi menegur aku sehingga ke hari ini.Mampos la same kau.Tak luak ape pon kot.I dont need u.U cant do nth in my life dumbfuck 4.Em.Ini adelah satu bukti jelas yg mengatekan bahwe Mentaliti Pelajar UiTM masih lagi di tahap yg sangat rendah.Takpayah nak bangge sangat masuk UiTM ni.Its nothing here.Explore sendiri kat luar pon aku rase bole dapat bende2 mcm ni.Thats the story.Im so abso-fucking-ly busy and stress with the works.Urrgh.Please understandla wahai dumbfucks2 skalian.Ni bukan main2.This if for ur future gak.If u dont have the quality now.How kau sume nak carik makan dgn sekeping diploma bodoh ni.Tell me.

p/s : to those dumbfucks yg read post ini : trase ke? nak pukul aku ke? go on.hit me.but remember.this is the 2nd time u have been kick from ur study.ingat mak need to ingat mak bapak.but ingat tuhan
