the beautiful letdown

i had my birthday celebrated last friday. in a bar, kota damansara area. the saints bar. thank you jeeva and bell for the cake. its quite a cozy place, with the live band performing that night with a very good selection of songs, i feel great. btw its my 1st time hanging out in a bar. kinda jakun at 1st. i was like, pergh macam barney seh, balik kerja lepak bar. and also, in this life, the 1st time i ever blew a candle on my own birthday cake. can u see? ngahaha.

here's the cake. "Happy Birthday Gemuk" keji -_-

thank you very much. jeeva, bell, fara, dani, paan, fefara, iji, kimie and those 3 girls entah apa nama.

travelling last week really is really tiring. and i have to work on saturday this week. and i am looking forward to this coming tuesday. sultan selangor punya birthday. which means rest time.

have a blissful monday. fill it up with positivity and energy.