a night at aswara.

today pegi aswara.tgk 5 karyawan beraksi.quite nice the theater.ada 5 play,but tonite dia mainkan 3 je.tmr sambung.

1st play : Lif E
-pasal kehidupan seharian seorang pakcik yg keretakkan rumah tangga,anak ketua block yg kurang hajar,2 remaja bermasalah serta kisah kehidupan seorang tukang cleaner yg ada degree.
teknik monolog dan 3rd point of view (penceritaan di gunakan)

quite nice.

2nd play : If
-pasal family yg kaya,tapi takde masa tuk anak2.whats attracts me is this play is runned by chinese people,in a perfect malay language.big applause for them.konsep theater ni mainly basically on drama.haha kelakar ada dewa kekayaan and kuan yin.good for family-oriented to watch.

3rd play : Medea
-it takes me about half and hour to understand this epic,traditonally play.it involved mak yong,gurindam,puisi dgn monolog dalaman.cite yg agak berat serta strong.psycho dan horror.run by lecturer2 di situ.

well lepas ni kene la kerap pegi tgk show kat sana.dah ter"jadi" K.P kat sini.damn.got so much to learn.wish me luck~