Tag dlm facebook.Ntah hape2 je tag dlm facebook.New trend? Fak off

Leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Don't send a message, leave a comment on here. Next, re-post this in your notes and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses.

1. Where did you and I meet?
2. How long have you known me?
3. What was your first impression?
4. Do you still think that way about me now?
5. Am I funny?
6. Did you like me at all?
7. What is my best attribute?
8. What reminds you of me?
9. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
11. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
12. What's my unique character in ur mind?
13. Are you going to post this in your blog and see what I say about you?

haha this time tag yg ni memerlukan korang yg jawab.aku tulis soalan je ye.okie.post ini akan di biarkan selama beberapa hari.so lets see ape yg korang nak tulis.

saya tag semua kawan2.


...Pinx.... said...

1. dlm claz le..4B..HUHU
2. around 2 yrs
3. orgnye rilekk je.. ecehhh
4. yup + brilliant.. (kembang la tu)
5. Quite funny
6. So far, so good..
7. Sumone who cares for fwenz..
8. Makanan n monster Mars bar..huhu
9. Bobo (mmg org da slalu pgil pon)
10. Foods laa..wut else..
11. Ermm.. nuthin 4 diz moment..
12. Mata Pena Lebih Hebat dari
Mata Pedang!
13. Yup..self-evaluation.. why not?

Rfq Kml said...

1.di taman bunga.ketika kita bersetubuh.HAHAHAHA WTF.kat fs la mcb.meet secara online.wtf?
2.kira-kira setahun?
3.kerek + funny.
4.tambah sket.kerek+funny+suka brag.geli I nokkkkkk.
5.fanni funny mcm babi.
6.aku tau kau gay.tp tak usah tanya soalan begini kepadaku.
7.lemak.nak siket!
8.dota + ym + chinese buddha statue.
9.yum yum.
10.my red yahama pacifica.tp tuka meh ngan gibson les paul kau.
11.mengapakah kau hot sgt?BHAHAHAHA
12.ego + straight + tegas?.WAKWKAKA

aha keke said...

1. Gunbound
2. 4 tahun??
4. Semakin NOOB
5. Entah
6. Kadang-kadang
7. Makan?
8. Pain -_-
9. Mok
10. Robe Akatsuki
11. Xde
12. Next...
13. Next...

Anonymous said...

1st of all, ko lbeh ah qayum siap nk kene g blog ko nk jwb bende ni.. haha

1. lyk we'v met b4! but aku knal kau thru kak lon ler of cours
2. dun rmmbr (sry i hv bad mmry)
3. nice
4. u wish.. haha
5. yeah..
6. as my cuzen to be? wel, bole laa. hahah
7. ur ayat2 yg power
8. all th cmputer games
9. cuzen-to-be
10. buku lima.ceh tetibe!
11. nopee
12. simple
13. nope


Syana said...

1. Klaz B, puncak perdana
2. 4 years lbh
3. U look so cool, smart...
4. yup...
5. i think so...
6. okey jer
7. Bertanggung jawab
8. makan
9. eeeemmmmm...
10.masak best tuk ko boleh?
11.Jangan makan banyak, nanti dapat sakit susah..okey?
12.eeemmmm...pk jap
13.okey, singgahla page aku nanti...

Anonymous said...

syera2 .. kemain lagi ko .. keke

|yanA Azizi| said...

1.HSBP chat room. siyes aku tak tau ni boy's school.lol

2.erm, since after spm.

3.u r cool.


5.yes u re.

6.i do like u.

7.well, anime yg best2?.hehe

8.online games.

9.oh, x bole pikir.

10.u nak ape??.wah..hahaha

11.erm, blom lagi.

12.u unique la..hahaa

13.hurm, akan dipikirkan.=)

Anonymous said...

1. mirc? #hsbp - akuX

2. since end of 2002 i think .. kan3?

3. kesian nye die .. lame tak g sek sbb sakit .. kan3? haha

4. tak sbb da tak sekolah .. tp skang sy jage die klau die saket =D

5. yep .. but die garang juge .. =x

6. yezza of courzzee

7. plotak design yg besh

8. games n comics

9. abg gemok .. (awk yg suruh eh .. keke)

10. my lyf .. wah!

11. ade .. jgn garang2 sgt .. keke

12. ur mind yg think mcm org besar .. hello..ur just 21 ok .. ahahah

13. harus dipikirkan

Paishx said...

1. Where did you and I meet?
-erm at city square..ya at cs.

2. How long have you known me?
-2 years.so long..

3. What was your first impression?
-idk.cannot remember.my memory lost U_U"

4. Do you still think that way about me now?
-hahah of course :P

5. Am I funny?
-ya.can make me smile and laughing when i'm sad

6. Did you like me at all?
-ya but not like a couple (gay)

7. What is my best attribute?
-give me an adviced -_-" and always mencarot -_-"

8. What reminds you of me?
-erm idk.not remember.

9. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
-erm never think about that.

10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
-ubat kurus badan -_-"

11. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
-ya i think.

12. What's my unique character in ur mind?
-crazy+slumber -_-".

13. Are you going to post this in your blog and see what I say about you?
-of course.what do u want to say ?