aku sangat mudah touching mlm ni.ntah tak tau kenapa.since last week aku tak berapa nak elok dlm menentukan judgement and deciding.listening to this makes me get a grip on myself.
btw clip ni got lirik skali.no need aku paste lirik nya.aku yakin not so many yg familiar dgn this song.asek2 rnb.asek2 rock.asek2 sunburst.come.listen to our legend rockers.aris ariwatan.terbaik dari malaysia.
aku akur dgn segala yg terjadi akhir2 ni.ada hikmah di sebaliknya.
Aris Ariwatan - 1,2,3,4
Tuesday, March 31, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:43 AM 0 comments
care to give me one?
Monday, March 30, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:01 AM 3 comments
em.maybe this is it.
On broken wings I'm falling
And it won't be long
The skin on me is burning
By the fires of the sun
On skinned knees
I'm bleeding
And it won't be long
I've got to find that meaning
And I'll search for so long
im tired of hurting people.maybe this is it.the time i wanna be all alone.absolute alone moment.i wanna find myself.im deciding.i'll be gone with the wind.i'll still be watching.
Sunday, March 29, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:14 AM 3 comments
Labels: end of all escape
edward de bono thinking hat's
berikut merupakan petikan perbualan di antara aku dgn abe roe.
guys.abe roe ni merupakan kawan baik aku sewaktu di uitm.sangat rapat dgn dia.btw dia skarang sedang mencipta nama dia arena personality television dan bidang mengacara.
antara tv show yg dia sedang involved dan dah involved is GenX tv 1 2pm Saturday as host, Liburan Rel tv 2 4pm sat/sun as host i didnt remember.Trendy.Now dia undergoing project dia.I dunno what.
nah petikan perbualan kami.yg buat aku tertarik,ayat edward de bono thinking hat.
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:56:33 PM): o bro
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:56:35 PM): sehat ke
Qayyum (3/28/2009 8:56:40 PM): sehat ni
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:56:42 PM): aku ade buat presentation event
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:56:43 PM): hehehe
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:56:50 PM): tapi aku support l;a jugak earth hour
Qayyum (3/28/2009 8:56:57 PM): wah
Qayyum (3/28/2009 8:56:58 PM): ahaha
Qayyum (3/28/2009 8:57:00 PM): support ke
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:57:01 PM): dlm presentation je'not in the real life la
Qayyum (3/28/2009 8:57:07 PM): ecehh
Qayyum (3/28/2009 8:57:14 PM): bermain pisau 2 mata nampak
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:57:44 PM): ape kah?
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:57:51 PM): pisau ape nih?
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:57:53 PM): hehe
Qayyum (3/28/2009 8:58:00 PM): ehehe abaikan
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:59:52 PM): hahaha
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 8:59:56 PM): ko ni kritikal la
Qayyum (3/28/2009 9:00:08 PM): kritikal nape
Qayyum (3/28/2009 9:00:10 PM): ekeke
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:00:12 PM): dalam edward de bono's 6 thinking hats..ko pakai topi hitam
Qayyum (3/28/2009 9:00:24 PM): wah?
Qayyum (3/28/2009 9:00:27 PM): apekah maksudnye
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:00:54 PM): hmm
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:00:56 PM): maksudnye
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:01:05 PM): ko tu kritikal thinking la
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:01:08 PM): itu jek
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:01:09 PM): haha
Qayyum (3/28/2009 9:01:16 PM): oh
Qayyum (3/28/2009 9:01:17 PM): haha
Qayyum (3/28/2009 9:01:22 PM): ye kot aku rase ideology kapir
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:01:45 PM): mmg
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:01:51 PM): weyh
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:02:02 PM): masa present event hari tu kan
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:02:09 PM): mmg jauh beza la dengan puncak
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:02:12 PM): hmm
Abe Roe (3/28/2009 9:02:17 PM): takdela bagus sgt bbdak melaka
so aku amat tertarik dgn term edward de bono thinking hat ni.then aku ke wikipedia.mencari apa maksud tu.
malas nak tulis kat sini.kau pegi
so aku tertarik.dan aku juga mendapati aku menjalankan tugas sebagai pemikir bertopi hitam.
pemikir yg bersifat pessimistically, cautiously and defensively.berfikiran negatif.critical jugdement didalam menentukan setiap langkah.simulated minded.
patutlah aku memiliki kuasa "PEROSAK"
dah sedar skarang mana datangnya kebolehan perosak ini.rupanya dia datang secara unconsiously.affecting me in each and everyway i present myself.my talk,my joke,my cynical and sarcastic senses,my abilities all based on this black hat thinking.har har.
so.what color are you? go and evaluate urself.jgn tanya org lain.u know urself better then anyone else.
Saturday, March 28, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 9:54 PM 3 comments
Labels: i am black.i am the brute force.
ntah.maybe aku ada gift yg selama ni aku tak sedar.gift yg berkuasa perosak.
anything yg aku involved in semua tak jadi.semua rosak.hari ni.kesemua kuasa perosak ini terbukti benar.
berkawan,rosak friendship.
berkasih,rosak kekasih.
bermain,rosak permainan
bersendiri,rosak hati
apa je aku buat tak rosak? kau sebut.aku nak dengar sikit
mungkin aku merupakan salah satu antara cerita dongengan yg wujud.pernah dengar cerita 2 beradik yg seorang apabila bercakap keluar batu permata, dan seorang lagi keluar ulat.
ah.mungkin sedang aku menulis bende "rosak" ni mungkin aku dah rosakkan hati segelintir manusia dgn tulisan aku yg rosak ni."merosakkan" mata dan hati mereka.mungkin juga aku dah "rosakkan" minda mereka.
ah sudahlah.aku ingin meminta maaf.sekiranya aku ini ada merosakkan di antara kamu yg membaca penulisan rosak aku ni.tak mengapalah.daripada aku libatkan org lain turut rosak dgn gift perosak aku ni.adalah lebih baik aku mengasingkan diri.
muka dah rosak.perangai pon rosak.bahasa rosak.tgk la.aku yg berkebolehan perosak.sentuhan perosak aku mampu merosakkan sehingga tidak boleh di perbaiki.mungkin sehari dua ni aku agak emosi dgn beberapa perkara.dan aku juga menjadi pelupa.lupa kepada yg esa.lupa kepada si dia.lupa segala2.sudah la perosak.kemudian dia menjadi pelupa pula.
maaf kerana terlalu banyak menyakiti hati org.mungkin sudah sampai masa aku menerima balasan.balaslah.aku sedia menerima segala balasan di atas segala perbuatan.
Friday, March 27, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: awakeve.endscape
Visionary kepala taik. Pukimak mak bapak kau.
Toksah nak kelentong aku la. Aku bergelumang dengan ideologi liberal sejak lahir. Dengan perkauman sejak lahir.Apa Dr M cakap memang betul. Melayu yang jahanamkan Melayu sendiri. Nakkan perhatian. Nak jadi cool dan popular. Last-last? Pantat. Tu je jawapannya.
Pastu yang tak reti bahase, memang jadi racist sama macam si racist-racist bangsa lain jugak.
Orang paling banyak tolong aku ialah orang Melayu. Yang paling banyak jahanamkan aku, orang Melayu jugak.
Orang Cina pernah tolong aku. Nak tipu aku pun ramai. Orang India pun ada. Semua ada lah.
Orang putih pernah tolong aku. Pernah nak pedajalkan aku. Mana diorang sekarang? Pergi mampus. Peduli taik aku?
Takyahkan Cina atau India. Orang Yahudi pernah tolong aku. Masa aku mula-mula menulis dulu, aku pergi ke internet. Kononnya nak publish buku la. Ko tau sapa yang tolong aku? Minah Yahudi editor website right-wing melampau.
Dia bagi aku tunjuk-ajar dan nasihat pasal menulis, pasal nak cari agent, nak cari publisher.
Yang pakat gelakkan aku? Orang Melayu. Orang Cina. Orang India.
Satu bangsa je yang tak pernah kacau aku - orang-orang. Orang-orang mana ada otak. Mana ada ego. Mana ada eksyen. Mana reti nak jeles tak tentu pasal? Orang-orang, muka pun main lukis je. Tu pun kalau ada.
Aku lepak dengan ramai orang Melayu, jadi banyaklah pengalaman aku Melayu nak jahanamkan aku. Nak cuba rogol jubur taik aku. Dan banyaklah pengalaman Melayu tolong aku.Hahaha. Melayu nak bomohkan aku. Last-last? Tok Bomoh dapat duit. Melayu jadi beruk. Aku relaks je. Cukup je, makan-minum. Sihat je. Tak payah pun menurun ke, bayar pengeras ke.
Aku menyampah dengan tok-tok bomoh ni semua. Penipu. Conman.
Aku cabar mana-mana tok bomoh santau aku sampai aku kurus. Santau la. Santau. Meh, meh. Lepas ko santau aku, tangaskan aku, dan lepas aku dah kurus, aku bayar ko RM400. Nak? Meh la. Meh.
Ko ingat ko lepak dengan hantu, ko best la? Ni, bapak setan ni. Kalau aku ada anak, aku namakan dia Lucifer. Takpun Azazel. Ko pakai ilmu hitam? Aku pakai Magic: The Gathering. Mati ooo. Puki sakit. Tumbuh kulampair.
Sikit-sikit, dengki. Sikit-sikit, dengki. Sampai ke mampus la pukimak kau berulat camtu je, pukimak! Lagi satu, aku menyampah kat Melayu perasan Liberal. Liberal habis. Pukimak mak bapak ko lah, liberal konon. Rebel konon.Aku kenal la, liberal betul. Bukannya bodoh piang macam bapak ko. Rebel betul tak sensitif macam betina berdarah puki la!
Melayu conman. YER. Melayu conman. Berapa ramai Melayu conman yang aku jumpa. Semua nak con. Sampaikan ada yang nak con supaya orang respek kat dia. Gila pathetic la woi! Melayu pinjam duit tak bayar balik pun ramai.
Ha, sekarang, aku dah tulis pasal Melayu. AKu Melayu yang tulis pasal Melayu. Ada sesapa nak cakap aku racist? Meh la. Meh.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:23 AM 1 comments
u think main game easy?
sorry la.this is for who think game itu di main for fun.salah pernyataan tu.bila game itu hanya di main di rumah,dan bukan ke public atau online game.itu baru boleh di panggil playing for fun.
apabila game ini di bawak main secara online,dan di mainkan secara public.itu bukan lagi play for fun.in fact.when di main secara online dan publicly.kau representing urself.representing ur race.representing ur skills.representing everything about yourself.do kalau tak sedia tuk dunia yg kejam ni.jangan la main.better u go play gameboy or congkak.dari menyakitkan hati aku.
yes.i am glad and proud to say im a professional gamer.been in this scene for almost 15 years.from PS to PC.semua dah aku conquer.nuff said.i represent myself in arrogant,agony,super ego and i hate losing.and when i win i do downgred my enemies.thats why my enemies consider me as their worst fucking nightmare.and i dowan to see them before my eyes again.they arent my match.
tonite i am fucking mad and angry.lets talk about dota.a very simple offensive and defensive game involving 3 lanes and a throne.
to those who find my writing tonite is crap.u can go to hell please.go die.stop being my friend and stop respecting me as a professional gamer.
in dota.there is several roles such as ganger,carry,warder,supporter,tanker and killer.
simply put,
ganger-this role initiate gang bang.skill spammer,usually a stunner hero which stuns the hero for 2-4 seconds.
tanker-this role takes dmg and occasionally stuns opponent.can deal a massive amount of dmg.with the help of supporter and ganger,opponent usually dies in 3-4 skill combo.
carry-this role is the main killer of the team.together with killer,they kills the opponent with ease.not to mention team gang bang.this role has only to kill.nothing to do with supporting,stunning or whatever with the team.just kill.nuff said.
killer-this role is the backup for carry role.if the carry misses the kill,this killer role will finish up the job.usually partnered with carry heros.
warder-this role is unique in the team.they observe enermy from the jungle and then alerting the team for gang bang situation.key to each team.
supportive-this role is meant to support.amplifies damage,provide heal power,slow power,negate spells and they are meant to be sacrifice to ensure the kills.they die nvm.janji dapat bunuh.
tonite i am fucking angry.its becauase my team dunno what they are doing.bodoh.benak.what are u guys thinking.main dah lama.tapi yet main mcm noobs.wtf guys? masing2 berlagak killer and carry.pick hero killers and carry.but main mcm pukimak bapak kau? wtf? i hate losing.u already know that dont you? why bila aku ajar and suruh do this and that kau tanak buat.susah sangat ke sial? penat aku ajar kau tau tak.bukan susah.just do what i said.simple.dont go alone.dont go jungle.dont hunt alone.etc.
kau tau tak killer and carry heroes ada spesific special skills yg betol2 crucial di gunakan.not to waste each skill sbb mana pool hero2 begitu sangat sikit,more over kene pandai placing diri in the right spot,must have everything simulated in mind before killing people or gang bang.bukan kau suka2 pick hero kills.farm 24 jam.kalau mcm tu baik amik supporter or tanker.killer,ganger and carry dapat duit from hero kills.so kau yg nak farm tu main jela tank or support.kalau takut mati,takut nak spam skill.dont play dota.go play GUGU JIAO BETTER.GO DIE PLS.menyirap darah kau tau tak.main dah dekat 3-4 taun.tapi benak nak mampus.wei malu la kalah dgn low lvl.nak harap aku sorang kejadahnya.mana nak letak maruah ni woi.
SO PLEASE.TO THOSE YG INGAT MAIN GAME NI FOR FUN.IA TIDAK SEPERTI YG ANDA SANGKAKAN.im so tension tonite.thanks for my nose sbb seseme.and i told u guys already.aku seseme.senang naik angin.so dont try the fuck to make me angry.fuck i've lost harapan dah dgn u guys.this saturday boleh pegi mati.too late dah to improve the team.let the cup go.kalau pegi pon buat malu aku.lose face.simpan mimpi jela.
-aku yg sangat emo-
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 11:13 PM 1 comments
wishlist 2009
haih.till march baru aku dapat fikirkan what do i want.i mean my wishlist.so im gonna list it down.
1.i need a new wallet.
-wallet lama sudah di pickpoket org didalam surau.can u believe that? di dalam rumah allah pon org boleh buat kerja.
2.maybe watch.
-pelik.kerana aku sangat jarang memakai jam di tangan dan hanya bergantung pada jam henfon saje.mungkin dgn kehadiran jam tangan aku akan lebih menghargai masa.harapnya begitulah.
3.new phone.
-haihs.i really need new phone with camera and 3G.itssssss essentttialll for a teenager like me.wake up u still teenager ke youth.sedar diri please.psp-phone mungkin umpama mimpi di dalam mimpi je.japs release only.haih..
4.new snowcap.
-snow cap yg tu benang dia dah tak elok la =( nak snow cap baru.mcm vocalist band aqua times.rastafarian style
5.nak new set of clothes.
-lama sangat dah since i do the shopping.pity me.balik2 baju itu,ini dan di ulang2.kasihan gelfren saya.boyfrennya tidak pandai dress up.gelfren cantik.boyfren mcm hawaw (bak kata org melaka).saya tidak mahu memalukan gelfren saya dgn bergaya selekeh dan buruk.i need style.cewahh
6.mungkin new perfume.
-leupar d'kenzo sudah mahu habis.ahh sayang nak habiskan.imported tho.i want summer from CK or boss' mens
7.mungkin kereta.
-harapnya duit saman dan insurance dari kejadian kemalangan tempoh hari cepat2 lah di selesaikan.boleh bayar duit muka kereta.nak myvi tak pun spectra.haha - bak kata/lagu hafiz henshin : hanya berangan
8.nak holiday/vacation
-i wanna go to perhentian or tioman or anything so call holiday trip/vacation.to rest up my mind.
9.nak ps3.
-attufah dah ada.aku bila lagi? skali lagi hanya berangan...
10.nak webcam
-dah lama aku teringin nak webcam dgn amoi2 online gaming.malangnya diorang suruh aku beli satu dulu baru bole webcam skali.zzzzzz celaka
11.ini mungkin berbunyi sentimental.tapi aku amat inginkan family meal.i mean.satu family duduk satu table,n then makan skali.kerana seingat aku..dah lama satu family tidak makan sekali..kalau ada pun 2-3 org.yg lain takde.mom and dad working.balik lambat.n then kadang2 makan sorang.tak pun makan kat luar.its been sangat lama since we had family dinner together.i almost forget how does it feels.
doesnt it nice? when makan ur daddy ask u : ha yum hari ni kau buat apa? hows ur life? duit cukup ke tak? abah ingat next week nak bawak kau pegi mancing ke etc2.i miss this.i miss my family bonds.last time i remember i had that kind of conversation with my dad waktu masuk uitm.nowdays when bola time je.tu pun diam je.need to improve the communication dad-son,mother-son,bro-sis,elder bro-younger-bro.
ya allah ya tuhanku.moga2 di makbulkan permintaan ku yg sekecil2 debu ini.aminnn
aku akan lebih berusaha untuk menjadi hamba mu yg taat.aminnn
mom : yummmmm bangun pegi gunting rambut
aku : ah malas la.semak je la bising suruh gunting rambut
mom : semak kau cakap aku (sambil membuka pintu bilik)
(amik scraf dan getah rambut lalu di buang nya keluar tingkap)
mom : padan muka kau hahaha.semak ye.
aku : woiiiiiiiiiiii ingat murah ke.
mom : aku tak kira.kau pergi gunting rambut
aku : (zzzzzzzzz.tutup muka dgn bantal lalu sambung tido) kkk,dah la.tutup pintu nanti.
moral of the story : jgn melawan cakap mak.gunting rambut? hell no i'll pass.tq.
Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:25 AM 3 comments
hi.walaupun lagu itu bertajuk FIX YOU.tapi ia takkan FIX ME.
sekian terima kasut dan makan kasut.
thank you for playing.please insert more coin(s).
nah.amik lagu ni
Sunday, March 22, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 1:58 AM 6 comments
Sorry dear.
nah.i am sorry.forgive me.
onegaishimas.tashikani,domo gomene (Japan)
Jeg er ked af (Danish)
Lamento (Portuguese)
Es tut mir leid (German)
미안 해요 (Korean) - sorry i tatau nak sebut cane
Mi dispiace (Italian)
Îmi pare rău (Romanian) - same gak tatau nak sebut cane
我很抱歉 (Hong Kong Hokkien) - tatau nak sebut cane
я извиняюсь (Russian) - sorry takde idea -_-
मैं माफी चाहता हूँ (India) - takde idea gak zzzzz
I am sorry (English)
kkk dah la.dah mengarut dah.the point is i am sorry dear.sumpah tak buat lagi.
Friday, March 20, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:54 AM 1 comments
Micheal Jackson - You're Not Alone
nah.aku teringat waktu darjah 6 dulu.nangis waktu tgk free willy sambil lagu ni jadi BGM ketika ikan itu sedang nazak dan kematian.T_T
epic + PURE PWNAGE tuk mereka2 yg HEARTLESS
Thursday, March 19, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:52 AM 2 comments
big LOL and GRIN at the same time
Dalilah: eh i think i saw u jz nw.td at which warong tah
Qayyum: ? really meh?
Dalilah: yer im sure that is u.tp td tkt nk tegur cuz nnt slh org.hahaha bt im sure itu kamu cewahh estranged la pulak
Qayyum: LOLOLOL jerit je la kot.aku toleh konfirm.
Dalilah: yum kau apasal lain gilerrrrrrr.dh pndi smart2 dh skrng.rambut pun ayu curly dgn lentik2 siotttt.aper kau ingat kau model cleo ke
Qayyum: wakaka apak kau ler.celah mana aku smart lahanatsss.
Qayyum: bontot kau aaa.tayah nak kasi aku up pls.pala otak aku serabut.btw bila kau balik bp doh?
Dalilah: dh 3 minggu.balik dediam ajer.
Qayyum: oh.apasal cam tetibe je? putus tunang ke? laki mati? ke kalah judi kak?
Dalilah: sial ek mulut kau.aku kt kau makin hot tp dibalas dgn cacian keji kau.haram jadah
Qayyum: hahahaha adoi aku tidak berkelakuan seperti aku skarang ni.aku busy sikit.
Dalilah: kau dr dlu smpi skrag busy.aku xtau ar caner girlfren kau tahan (if any) dgn kau.hehe
Qayyum: haha.soalan itu biar aku yg jawab.kau duk diam2 nnt time card sampai rumah,kau datang je makan nasik minyak LOLOLOL.eksen tak aku?
Dalilah: paler otak dier ar.pantas kau buat kejer ek
Qayyum: biasak aaa.bujang dowh.mcm lagu ali mamak doh.kene cepat je nnt org sambar LMAOROFLTLOL
Dalilah: ceh.dh berpnyer ker? melepas la aku.kau hot dow.pastu ader kurus skt.makan ubat berak lemak ke bang?
Qayyum: celaka je.jogging la labahau.ape kau ingat aku mcm kau ke kaki beli barang ikut TV.tia amelia and stuff.WTF
Dalilah: hahahahaha otak lu la.btw so nice to see u.lama glerr xjumpe.
Dalilah: dramatik doh kau pnya change.
Qayyum: apa lancau.aku still aku.still the makan king,game king.king YUM lebih exact.
Qayyum: dah jawab soalan aku.what brings u to batu pahat.
Dalilah: erm.sukar sungguh aku nk menjawab soalan nih.
Dalilah: aku blk release tension je
Qayyum: eh nape?
Dalilah: stress la bengong.workloads.assg lagi.gilerr aku
Qayyum: alah ponteng class malu2.mcm aa aku tak penah bwat dow.
Dalilah: wahah kaver2 la siol.bermulut tempayan mcm perot kau gak.
Qayyum: hahaha sial je.perot jgn bawak main eh.asset kau tau.asset.
Dalilah: ehehe chill la model cleo.whatchu doin eh?
Qayyum: doing what other people are currently doing.nth special
Dalilah: ic.hehe anyway its good to c u.kau bwk saper td?
Qayyum: my ototo.nak g skola asrama da next week.so aku decide to bwk dia jenjalan
Dalilah: hahah one-san yg mithali.satu lagi improvement yg aku xleh nak simulate dlm paler otak aku.
Qayyum: ................................................. salah ke?
Dalilah: x.xsalah.cute.
Qayyum: lol? mental kau ni doh.
Dalilah: eh klu aku nak ajk kau hangout nak x?
Qayyum: nak hangout dgn aku ke? jom g CC.layan dota
Dalilah: serabai la lu mat.bodoh ar
Qayyum: kate nak hangout.tu la port hangout aku dgn bebudak aku selalu.khakhakhkahkhaa
Dalilah: i mean catch a drink 2gether la sengal.
Qayyum: kk.memain jela.emo sial kau.masuk MCR la.
Dalilah: ahahaha hotak kau.pakai smart2 nnti.aku nk bwk mak aku.ckp dgn dier ni menantu dier
Qayyum: bodoh bodoh bodoh bodoh bodoh bodoh bodoh
Dalilah: hahahahahahaa skrang saper MCR.
Qayyum: kkthxbaigodieplsthx.
Dalilah: hehe.okay la aku nk tgk tv jap ar.krg sembang lg ar.
Qayyum: tgk tv ke buat cerita tv.hua hua hua
Dalilah: keji punya jantan.haha bye later~
Qayyum: bye dewi dania LOLOLOLOL.
gila punya org -__-"
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:05 AM 0 comments
haha at last he's comming back to what he was long time ago.
dear little brother,
shin kuzuryu reppa is done by putting in command : back,down,back,down + K (low or high)
shin shoryuu reppa is done by putting in command : fwd,down,fwd,down + P (low or high)
to do super desperation move shippu jinrai kyaku, put in this command :
back,back,down,back,fwd + PpKk (wait for the 17 hit) then sambung dgn kuzuryu reppa n sampai hit yg ke 29 sambung dgn shoryuu reppa
alternate ending/finisher bole buat shoryuu ken biasa or abiskan dgn hadou ken je.average hit dlm 39-42
nnt ade masa aku ajar kau san satsu hadou (akuma) dgn shun goku satsu.kalau dah master ni semua baru aku ajar kau ultimate desperation move messatsu go shoryu dgn ashura senku
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 7:27 PM 2 comments
being sentimental
im currently listening to some sentimental songs which is :
amy mastura - kembalilah
chris vadham - nyanyian dalam sepi
visa - untuk selamanya
saleem - ratu sanubari
hattan - samba apa sahaja
yup.im hurt.a lot.deep inside.sangat hurt.its been wounded,and then healed,and then wounded again,and then for a period of time it bleeds too much.n then its stop.sometimes it bleeds again.i dont understand.why shud honesty played? i mean.there is this 4 traits of a prophet siddiq,amanah,tabligh and fatanah.i wonder why,people keep claiming they are good.they just cant cross this and that,but then it comes to honesty,i dont know.why dont u answer it for me.
to me,and my policy,honesty is the modest.and then ignorance is bliss.like the saying.i dont mind getting caught in red fire if im telling the truth.im doing good by revealing the truth.i talk u listen and think.not i talk,u backfire on me.be reasonable.
just like the uitm incident (October 2008).i revealed the truth.instead of the others supports me.they decided to cover it up.my mother always told me to be honest son.its the best way of living.i dont see any significant why people keep claiming they are pious.never forget and abandon any prayings and chanting ALLAH's name after praying.but when it comes to honesty,they failed.there is no such thing as white lie.and there is no such thing as telling lies just to make another party to be happy.giving it fake hope.yes i LIE too.but i most of the time im just being honest and that makes me one of the greatest CURSERS in here.i dont mind scolding people as they being silly and acting stupid and doing things without using the BRAIN.a simple BABI or BODOH or PANTAT MAK KAU is simple.just to get the idea i dont like or im mad in their heads.that is my way of being honest and at the same time hurt their tiny puny human feelings and at the same time focusing on my point i dont LIKE IT AT ALL.yes let me get all the sins.at least im not adding additional sins by being hideous and hypocrite.and not to mention backtalking and gossiping.
if the world is so simple like what im gonna list down just now,wudnt it be perfect?
Press 1 : for yes.
Press 2 : for no.
Press 3 : for im quite not sure.
so.simple.there is no need to manipulate or telling white lies or acting stupid and nothing when sumthing happens.im open.if u dont like me then just talk to me.ur mad with me just say it out loud.hate me.detest me.kick me.im sick of being fooled.im sick of this world hypocritness in each and everyone of the human being.im not telling u that im clean-free from lies but,hey.use ur brain.there is a critical and tedious moment which people is.ops sorry ARE ABLE TO TELL LIES.think about it.
p/s 2 : lies for the liars.
p/s 3 : im losing my heart.closing it soon.tight and they key i shall throw in the deepest pit of abyss and there is almost impossible to unlock it back without any sacrifices done.
Monday, March 16, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:03 AM 7 comments
Tag dlm facebook.Ntah hape2 je tag dlm facebook.New trend? Fak off
Leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Don't send a message, leave a comment on here. Next, re-post this in your notes and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses.
1. Where did you and I meet?
2. How long have you known me?
3. What was your first impression?
4. Do you still think that way about me now?
5. Am I funny?
6. Did you like me at all?
7. What is my best attribute?
8. What reminds you of me?
9. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
11. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
12. What's my unique character in ur mind?
13. Are you going to post this in your blog and see what I say about you?
haha this time tag yg ni memerlukan korang yg jawab.aku tulis soalan je ye.okie.post ini akan di biarkan selama beberapa hari.so lets see ape yg korang nak tulis.
saya tag semua kawan2.
Friday, March 13, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 2:12 PM 9 comments
Tag kawen from aliya.
How old are you going to be when you get married?
Put an X in every box that applies to you.
Add up all the x`s and title subject with the sum as "My marriage age is__"
[x] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[ ] You own more than one credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[x] You do your own laundry
[ ] You vote every election
[x] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are exciting
[ ] You balance your own checkbook
[x] Your parents have better things to say than your friends
[ ] You show up for school/college/work every day early.
[ ] You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[ ] You've never gotten a detention
[ ] You have never smoked a cigarette
[x] You have never gotten completely trashed
[x] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[x] You like to take walks by yourself
[x] You've watched talk shows.
[x] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[x] You drink coffee[caffiine] at least once a week.
[x] You know how to do the dishes.
[x] You can count to 10 in another language.
[x] When you say you're going to do something you do it.
[x] My parents trust me
[x] You can mow the lawn.
[x] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[ ] You remember to water the plants
[x] You study when you have to
[x] You pay attention at school/college
[x] You remember to feed your pets
Total: 9
[x] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.
[ ] You work out on a regular basis.
[x] You clean up your own mess
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[x] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[x] You have gained weight since middle/high school
[ ] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[x] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[x] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[x] You can type quickly
Total: 7
[x] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[x] You have been to a Tupperware party
[ ] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[ ] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[x] You can say no to staying out all night
[x] You use the internet every day
[x] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[x] You can read a book and actually finish it
Grand Total: 33
Thursday, March 12, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:32 PM 0 comments
malasness,sakitness dan sesemeness.
batu pahat tidak berhenti hujan.
aku pula tidak berhenti di datangi masalah kesihatan.
aiyah dgn jari patah.
hari2 pon seseme.
sangat irritating u know.
hati pon hari2 sakit.
so aku di datangi masalah malasness,sakitness dan sesemeness.
no dota sehinggalah hari menjadi cerah,dan seseme ini hilang.
haih.benci betul bila seseme.tolong la jgn kacau ke anything.mmg kene tumbuk jgn tanya aku kenapa.pelis.any doctor yg bole solvekan masalah seseme kronik aku ni pelis ubatkan.aku jadi hamba sampai mati pon takpa.tak tertahan dah seseme ni T_T
tasukette janai.onegishimas T_T
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 11:44 AM 1 comments
aight.lets end this.
hello mr nikon D-40.i know ur been reading.been stalking.been hiding.ok stop it.matang sikit please.i've got trackker in the blog.ip address and from where and where ur visiting.dont bother using stealter.im using greesemonkey.duh dari sini dah tau im better then u.
at least u cud send me and email kalau takut nak compose msg di facebook.oh yea right.nice picture taken.lol? flamming and sarcasticly hurt himself.tak kuat mental dont play the flames with me bro.apa boleh buat nasi sudah jadi bubur,lu bila mau masuk kubur bro.
yayaya.u got nikon D-40 and a flickr page.nice.DAMN NICE.salute.bravo.komunizma veydot.khakhaha.btw.im was a masscomm student.i was tought with photocomm 363,multimedia design and etc2.u? a brainiac.better from me.u play with medicine bro.nice bro.spm 10 a? dude.dont fuckup urself.
nak pukul? silakan.i wud like to make money from useless fucknut such as likes of u.btw i do own olympus S2000.wtf nikon D-40? soooooooo 2004.
stop stalking,stop backtalking.come.face me.whats ur prob actually.
bitch-ass mofo.
grow up
Thursday, March 5, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 5:11 AM 4 comments
tribute for jyuupon gatana!

Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 3:13 AM 5 comments
Damien Rice - Rootless Tree
When they say be true, don't stain your bed
And we do what we need to be free
And it leans on me like a rootless tree
What I want from us is empty our minds
We fake we fuss and fracture the times
We go blind when we've needed to see
And it leans on me like a rootless...
Fuck you!
And all we've been through
I said: "Leave it!
It's nothing to you!"
And if you hate me
Then hate me so good
That you can let me out, let me out, let me out
Of this hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
What I want from this is learn to let go
No, not of you, of all that's been told
Killers reinvent and believe
And this leans on me like a rootless...
Fuck you!
And all we've been through
I said: "Leave it!
It's nothing in you!"
And if you hate me,
Then hate me so good
That you can let me out, let me out, let me out
Of this hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out
Let me out, let me out, let me out, Hell when you're around
Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out...
Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out...
Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out...
Let me out! Let me out! Let me out...
Fuck you! Fuck you! Love you!
And all we've been through
I said: "Leave it! Leave it! Leave it!
It's nothing in you!"
And if you hate me?
Hate me so good
That you can let me out, let me out, let me out
Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out
Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out
Let me out! Let me out! Let me out...
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 4:48 PM 2 comments
1st try.
vid wmv.plus aku noob edit vid guna sony vegas.just a try.recording guna fraps.tak geti setting gak.nanti tgk la kalau rajin aku buat satu lagi.
Sunday, March 1, 2009 | Posted by Qayyum Abdul Razak at 11:04 AM 7 comments